Hi everyone I'm new on here is it possible to suffer from postpartum psychosis 2 years after having baby I had depression after I had baby its still not gone away could it be pp
2 years later: Hi everyone I'm new on... - Action on Postpar...
2 years later

If you are worried you may suffer from a psychotic illness please do seek medical advice straight away. Personally I'm not sure you'd be able to function and have a grasp on reality at all after 2 years of untreated PP but there must be other conditions with psychotic depressive features and your best bet is to get seen.

Hi Lauren
Welcome to your forum. Thanks for your post. Postpartum Psychosis usually happens within the first few weeks after the baby is born, and is usually very acute and sudden with delusions, hallucinations, and strange thoughts which is very different from depression. I hope this might clarify for you?
I am really sorry to hear that you are still struggling. I hope that you have support, professional and from friends/family? If you do feel you're getting worse, do get professional support, and be really honest with everyone supporting you as they can then help you.
Hang in there, you will get better. We are here if you want to talk.
I still get these paranoid thoughts now and Im always shouting at people telling them to get away from my child

Hi Lauren,
Thanks for your post and I am glad you've found the forum so you can ask us questions.
As Ellie has said above, PP most commonly occurs in the first few days after child birth. It is an acute psychotic episode followed by a long phase of depression and sometimes anxiety.
I think if you are still experiencing paranoid thoughts and the depression is still there, it would definitely be worth you speaking to a professional. I know this may feel frightening if you are worried they want to take your baby but I promise they are there to help you get better. Perhaps you have a family member or close friend who you trust, who can take you to see a psychiatrist? A perinatal psychiatrist would be ideal.
There is great help out there Lauren and with the right treatment you will get much better. It will just mean taking this first brave step to getting some help and being honest about how you are feeling. Do you think you can do this?
Stay in touch, we all understand what you are going through having been through very similar experiences. Feel free to ask any other questions you might have. Take care.
Warmest wishes,
JonesieB x
I dont trust anyone my symptoms did start a few days after I just thought it was depression my symptoms since baby was born have been paranoid thoughts I also hear voices but only I can hear them I have extreme anxiety the doctor wont help me they will take away my children I have already been given medication for anxiety/depression.

Hi Lauren23
I'm so sorry to hear you're struggling in this way. Are you on any medication currently? And do you see a psychiatrist or are you getting support from a mental health team? or is the support you're getting just through your GP?
From what you've written it sounds to me that you really need to access specialised support, if you haven't already. Can you book into see your GP, ask for a double appointment, and write everything down you want to say - all your symptoms in detail (voices, paranoid thoughts), and ask if you can be referred to a perinatal mental health team (if there is one) and/or a perinatal psychiatrist? Take someone with you to the appointment who you can trust (your husband)?
It is understandable that you worry they may want to take your children away, but try not to worry about that. It is very unusual that that happens. Professionals do want to keep families together, and if you are struggling with mental health issues you just need really good professional support. If you do have professional support ( from a mental health team etc) do be honest with them, that is the only way they can help you, can change your meds etc.
Thinking of you, you are not alone, we are here for you if you need us.
I'm not on any medication at the moment I will book a appointment to see my gp because when I'm at the doctors I feel like I'm in a safe place.

Hello lauren23
I'm sorry you have been having a hard time. As suggested earlier a double appointment with your GP is a good place for your to receive help and support. Hopefully when you have explained how you feel to your GP he will be able to suggest a diagnosis and provide medication or other interventions.
Try not to worry ...... everyone will want to do what's best for you and your family. Take care and stay safe.

Hello lauren23
I'm just wondering how you have been since your last post .....did you manage to book an appointment to see your G.P? I hope you are receiving support.
Stay safe and take good care of yourself.

It doesn't sound as though they were very understanding about how you were feeling. Did they give you any medication for your 'anxiety' or suggest counselling?
Dear Lauren,
I am sorry about your struggles. I believe you need support as already mentioned above by the other members of this community. You know, in my opinion it is important to receive help and do not worry about other people's opinion.
I have had PP in 2010. The acute illness was under control once I took my medication. However, in 2011 I started to suffer with fear and anxiety. I did not let go of my care co-ordinator and she has been with me ever since organising therapy & thus, contributing towards my health and welfare. I attended a support group for 30 hours, which was of great help in order to "self-manage" life again, and be happy with the person I am now, after PP.
Wishing you health and happiness, Sabine

Hi Lauren
I was shocked to read your latest post, it sounds like the GP didn't seem to understand, sympathise or help at all? Did you go by yourself or with someone? I know it is hard, but I wonder if you could approach another professional - a health visitor, such as at a drop in for weighing your child, and let them know? Or make another appointment but ask to see another doctor? I know how hard it is though to approach professionals when you aren't feeling well and have had misunderstanding like that, but do keep trying to get support. Could your husband phone on your behalf, if he feels emotionally stronger and can maybe advocate strongly for you?
Take care, I'm so sorry you're finding it difficult to get the support you need, I hope you are able to keep trying. Do come back and write whenever you need to.

Hello Lauren
How have you been since the appointment with your G.P? Are you still having paranoid thoughts or have they faded? I'm really sorry you didn't have the support you need. If you were told 'it's all in your head' then I would have thought your G.P could arrange for you to speak to someone to get all your thoughts out of your head to help you.
We are all here if you would like to talk. Take care.
Well I have been having bi polar symptoms and they actually told me to stop been a hyperchondriac because im always at the doctors I have been given citalopram and fluxotine in the past cos of anxiety and panic attacks but now its just getting worse im developing paranoia and also have ocd I have also developed irrational fears and phobias now I always think im gonna have an allergic reaction to the food that im eating so I dont really eat many different foods and I only wear certain clothes that are only made from cotton incase of an allergic reaction to polyester, I have never been allergic to anything before.

Hello lauren
Thanks for taking the time to reply. I'm really sorry that your G.P sounds very unhelpful. You are dong very well to cope with all the fears and phobias you talk about but you really need someone to listen and guide you through these thoughts.
As has been suggested, do you think a Health Visitor might be able to speak to the doctor on your behalf? Surely the Health Visitor would see how much stress your baby's illness has caused you and can see how upset you are. Your husband is trying to cope too so do you think if he could explain how you are the GP or professional might be able to help? Last resort I think would be to go to A & E ..... I know you would probably have to wait a while but at least you can be seen and referred? This is probably not an option though as your priority is your children and they can be unsettled in such surroundings.
When you started your post you mentioned that the depression has not gone away so that's very hard to cope with on it's own and now you have all these other thoughts. You must try and get help for yourself ...... it's very unfair that you have been left to cope with all that's troubling you.
There will be other mums her to give their good advice. Stay safe and take care.
Thankyou for your kind reply its nice to know I can talk on here and people will listen sometimes when im talking to the docs I feel asif im talking to a brick wall.

You are so welcome to talk about how you feel and we are all here to listen. I just wish I knew how to help you but perhaps another mum here will have a good idea. Sometimes it's very hard if we're not well to make the professionals understand and GPs often don't have the time to spare but you shouldn't just be left.
Take care.

Hi Lauren,
I'm so sorry you're finding it so hard to get support. I would second Lilybeth's advice, and try and get support either by seeing a different doctor at your GP surgery, or talking to your health visitor. Please don't give up in getting support. It's really important you get support. Have you been under a mental health team before? if so do you have a number for them, perhaps they could help you?
I would recommend that you or your husband, write down everything you are experiencing, include dates and times / how often you are experiencing the symptoms, so you can give it to the doctor without having to remember and talk a lot? Can you ask your husband, or a friend, to phone on your behalf. Is your husband concerned too, would he be able to advocate for you?
Take care Lauren, please do keep asking for support, it's important you get help
Write whenever you need to X