I am getting better about dealing with Triggers when they sneak into my life. Ie: Friends having 2nd babies , all the Pro Breastfeeding post/comments (I do support however a mother feeds a child, just still hurts a little that I could not BF because of PP), and some strange other ones like the smell of Formula.
Most days are easy and fun with Little Man and PP floats into a different time and stays there for a while.
Until I receive the Life Insurance premium bill. I don't know if this exist in the UK but here in the US we pay for Life Insurance (just like car and home). it is meant to help with expenses if you pass away. So my rate is still high because of PP. So every time I receive this bill I am reminded of the reason my rate is so high and it Stings all over again. Come August it will be 5 years and in the US you can be reviewed again and have a better rate because they remove PP from your Life Insurance paper work.
I just took a deep breath! That felt so good to type that and let others know!
We PP mamas are strong! Stinks that society and laws keep testing us even after the trauma is over.
Thank You all for letting me post here! I hope 2016 brings us all some peace.
Scatter Kindness