As we strive to research the benefits of peer support, here is a little extract from my thoughts.
"Talk to me, talk to me, I will understand..."
The fear, the dread, the lack of understanding. Tingling up throughout their body, I witness the nausea, panic, the lack of comprehension:
"That's the condition where Mother's do that...?"
I do not fear it, I acknowledge it, I praise my ability to survive it. I appreciate that I have visited parts, places, corners and hideaways of my mind other's can't even begin to imagine.
My brain is more developed, the expanse is wider. I've seen things, thought things, dreamt things, people will never know.
I'm here, I survived and I am probably one of the most well-balanced individuals you would ever meet. I have ridden a mental seasaw and have found balance on both scales.
Define me, define who I am, "this is the mother who suffered severe post-natal illness", if only it was so easy to define a life in one moment. Teacher, Hairdresser, Researcher, wife, mother of 2, post-natal sufferer....
I find it interesting what other's choose to remember about a lifelong journey.
Recovery is long, physical and mental strength builds day by day. Soon I will be back, not broken forever. I will not visit that place again, thankfully, with respect. I will go forward with new enthusiasm and new understanding, and complete my path of life.
"Talk to me, talk to me, I will understand"
If you can not find this anywhere else, Ladies, we talk to each other.