Sensitisation.: Hi all. Mainly for newcomers... - Anxiety Support

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Hi all. Mainly for newcomers to the site. Dr. Weekes talks of the three feelings that can precipitate us into nervous illness. Sensitisation, Bewilderment and Fear. I spoke of Bewilderment in a previous blog so perhaps you will bear with me while I try to explain what causes sensitisation. We feel well, our old selves, before our illness started. However, perhaps we have been under stress at work, or at home. Something may be in our minds that worries us but in a normal way. i.e. We can think about it but not be disturbed by it. Then, one day, perhaps in the Supermarket or some other public place, we feel a little dizzy. Probably no more than wax in the ear or some such thing. But, to our horror, we panic. Now those to whom this has happened will know what I mean. We rush home and, although the feeling may pass, we feel apprehensive about going anywhere in a public place in case it happens again. We go to the doctors who tells us we are physically OK. But do we believe them? "He must have missed something! How could I be "OK" when I feel like this?" And so the old fear-anxiety-fear cycle begins. We have become SENSITISED. This leads on to more fear and further disrupts our lives until we "breakdown" and are often unable to continue work. This is where old memories come up, and the "if only I had done this or that this would not have happened". Do not indulge in such thinking, it will get you nowhere. Going into the past rarely helps. It is the present that needs dealing with. Now this is where UNDERSTANDING comes into the picture. We need REAL understanding as to why we feel this way. Not technical language but a simple explanation and a way forward. We complicate it too much by the way we think. "Pull yourself together" they say and that is just what you want to do but can't. Ignore these remarks. They are made by ignorant people who know nothing of the way you feel. It will be obvious by now that I am a Dr. Weekes fan and I would advise any sufferer to read her books. Now these are not for everyone, I know. But her method does work when persevered with I can assure you. Best wishes to all. jonathan.

2 Replies
ellabella profile image

You have just written my story Jonathan ....isn't it a bugger! I don't think anyone has actually said " pull yourself together" but I suspect they have all thought it, and still do. We are tolerated by people who knew us before the first panic attack, but tend to become invisible to the one's who didn't. I want to say to them "I am not stupid, I am very intelligent actually". Unfortunately that would go down like a lead balloon and I would be ushered out of their way. I feel angry at the moment with ignorant people, pushed to one side and forgotten about . So I await my Dr Weeks book and hope this extra busy brain can understand it clearly. I may have to read it one page at a time, but I will read it xxx

Hi ellabella. I do really sympathise with you. When I say ignorant people I mean those well meaning souls who have no idea whatsoever of the suffering involved in this nightmare of an illness. Do not be angry with them. They cannot help it. It is incomprehensible to them. So glad you are looking at Dr. Weekes. To me this is really the answer no matter at what stage you are in your illness. Was it you who said they felt like falling off the planet? If so I am very glad you didn't. Blessings and keep going in the right direction. jonathan.

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