Hello everyone, new to this website and the community! This post is about my health anxiety/anxiety (but can also be for anyone who may relate or have gone through this. This might be a bit to read but I'm hoping that anyone who comes across my post can relate and find comfort and maybe advice here. So in my bio states what I'm currently going through, so I won't repeat it here to keep this shorter. But my main issue is getting through this anxiety. Does it really ever get better/easier? I've been doing self care things like eating outside, doing a bit of journaling after those meals, and spending some time outside instead of being in my room. It was going good for a few days until today, when I had an "episode" (I refer to them as episodes because I don't know what else to call them so don't attack me). Whenever I have these episodes, I get extremely anxious and start to overthink and that makes my heart rate increase drastically and it feels like the end of the world. It isn't a panic attack but if I continued down that road it would become one. But my point is, it is so damn hard to stay grounded and tell myself that everything is okay and that its just the anxiety messing with my mind/thoughts. I'm hoping experienced people or people currently going through this or something similar can stop by this post and drop some advice and anything they think may be helpful.
Health Anxiety / Anxiety: Hello everyone... - Anxiety Support
Health Anxiety / Anxiety
Hi and welcome. Glad you thought to come here for some support and encouragement! I'm glad you have some successful self care strategies. There are probably more that you can add just to give yourself a change or an extra boost as needed. Are the episodes fairly rare, fairly common, increasing lately? Have there been times when you have been successful at diverting your thoughts to avoid the episode or when it comes on, it always becomes full blown? Are you under the care of a doctor for anxiety?
Hey. Welcome. Glad you joined. I find this forum a wonderful resource to find help and support from those of us who struggle with the same things. I find one thing that helps me, in addition to taking a few deep breaths, is to look around your space. To see what's going on and realize that most of the time there is no actual danger. For example, like today I was feeling a bit hot and I decided to have a seat and look around the room and to other people who couldn't have looked more bored going about their business. And then it goes away, like it always will