I am having to goto toilet 15 times a day to urinate. Is this normal, or is it related to my anxiety which has kicked up over the last few weeks? Should I make appointment to c doc about this?
Frequent urination: I am having to goto... - Anxiety Support
Frequent urination

Hi jennylove12, are you hydrating that much during the day? What about during the night? Is it disturbing your sleep. We are not doctors and always suggest seeing your doctor for any concerns you may have. I care xx
No. I drink a litre and a half a water first thing in morning after i wake up. Other then that nothing.
Yes I’m getting up 4 times a night to go to toilet. I’m hoping it’s just anxiety.
Full sensation of bladder and constant feeling to go urine can be symptoms of cystitis, or the inflammation of the bladder, I suggest you to have an examination in the hospital, and if it's confirmed to be cystitis, you can take some natural measures to cure it, such as natural therapy of diuretic and anti-inflammatory pills, acupuncture, etc.
Hi jennylove12,
It's probably anxiety but go see doc to check out and get a urinalysis done. When the doc assures you it's anxiety then you'll know.
I have had frequent urination whenever I'm anxious as one of the first symptoms that shows up. It's common with anxiety