I've been dealing with a lot of symptoms with this anxiety crap. But one thing that scares me the most is the breathing I literally feel like I'm being suffocated, I can't catch my breath & I must keep yawning to feel better. I've noticed when I eat it seems to intensify. I've been to a few doctors & once I start spilling my symptoms they immediately say it's anxiety. I'm starting to think it my be something else it's happening more often & when my stress level isn't high at all. I'm gonna search & find yet another doctor I could possibly have acid reflex or something else but I would never know because I feel like you can't find a doctor to listen to you really! Does anyone else feel that way?? On a good note my breathing seemed to calm down I will keep my fingers crossed. Happy Easter to everyone!! 🐇
Here we go again...: I've been dealing with... - Anxiety Support
Here we go again...

I went through the samething a few months ago. I went weeks feeling like I couldn't breath. I finally went to the emergency room because I was convinced my Dr was wrong about it being my anxiety. I had every test b imaginable ran on me. Every thing came back fine. I finally convinced myself it was my anxiety. This actually helped. Once I stopped worry and focusing on my breathing I actually felt better. Maybe having some test done will help put you at ease. Hope you feel better.
I have had the same thing the last couple of days
How long does your breathing tend to last? This started Saturday it comes & goes sometimes last for about an hour and then I feel normal again & then it comes back.
Go to the Dr. Have all the tests done..then go to the doctor again if you're not convinced it's anxiety. The funny thing with anxiety is that it will always win until you quit fighting it and accecpt it's anxiety causing all the issues. If you have any doubt and think it may be something else then it just adds to the cycle of anxiety and it only gets worse. I've had heart tests, x-rays, spirometry, lung test, forced air volume, blood work, EKG, echocardiograms....and guess what? All of them came back clear because my breathlessness was due to two factors. 1) I quit smoking and my lungs are clearing (believing this still takes a struggle every day) 2) I have anxiety issues and tend to over-breath and focus on my breathing too much. Over-breathing actually throws off your CO2 levels and you end up feeling more out of breath (hyperventilating). So get the tests done, make sure you are 100% that it's anxiety. If it turns out to only be anxiety then accecpt that fact and learn to beat it. You can do it, and the support here will be there every step of the way.
Best of Luck!
Thank you I appreciate that. How long ago did you quit smoking? I quit around 6-8 months ago. I'm definitely going back to the doctors I've had a few things done already. But as soon as you give them your symptoms they go anxiety & prescribe you something. I believe I do have anxiety yes but the breathing thing really worries me. I just have to make sure it's anxiety & not something more serious. It could be as little as acid reflex but I need to know.
I quit almost 5 months ago. From what I've read ( trust me that's a lot too, I researched until I made myself sick) the healing process for the lungs and breathlessness can take up to a year or more to clear. Basically as your lungs begin to heal, the cilia moved the junk out. As that happens they hit up airways which makes you feel short of breath. Plus, you're learning to breath again after cigs, which makes it different too. Have the spirometry test done if you're worried about lungs. That, combined with chest xrays. Should point out all the biggies that are associated with shortness of breath. Ohz and blood work too. But keep in mind, COPD occurs in about 15 to 25% Of smokers. Age and pack years play huge parts in it too. But just some stats. A ton of people who quit complain about shortness of breath...it's far more common than lung disease. Be safe though. Have the checks to be sure
I know what you mean with theDr. Too. I hat. How they throw pills at anxiety so quickly. But, keep in mind they see very sick people so they can typically diagnose things like that in sight. If it feels like they're dismissing your concerns. It just that they aren't worried about what you are because they've seen the real deal. They can make mistakes. But people who suffer from anxiety often think worst case scenario
Hi Mioanddb, I'm not sure if this is the same thing u av, but i've bn suffering from bn unable 2 take in a deep breath in, 4 about 10months now, my breathing is normal until i need 2 take a deep breath in, then i find i'am unable 2 do this which causes me 2 start 2 panic, i found that if i sit up straight & rub the area of my upper abdomen & try 2 stay calm, something gives & i'm able 2 breath in deeply again & my panicking goes away, until the next time which could b in the next half hour then i av 2 start all over again. So i went 2 c my doctor & he was quit puzzled, so he made a few phone calls & now i'm seeing a Respiratory Physio nurse at the local hospital, I was given a booklet which is called " Sputum clearance Active cycle of Breathing Technique " If u can get hold of this booklet it gives u a lot of info on how to breath properly & Yes it does work very well. I av bn given up smoking 2yrs now & some days i find i need 2 bring up an a mount of sputum, if i do not get it up my breathing becomes worse , because the sputum as collected in my upper airways which is when i need 2 cough 2 help remove it. ( which takes a lot of coughing, & tires u out). Once this is done i feel like i can take a deep breath in again. I don't always bring up sputum, that only happens when my chest is full. I hope i av helped in some way, But please go & c ur doctor again, I dont mined if u tell him about my story as it may help u. Good Luck. Gentle Hugs.x.