Would any1 say 31 is a young age?
Age: Would any1 say 31 is a young age? - Anxiety Support

Yeah of course. In 33 and I still count myself as young. Why do ya ask? X
I wish I was 31 again.xx
Yes i think 31 is a young age as i turned 30 last month
Socrates started learning to play instruments when he was 80 years old. You can feel old at the age of 20 and young when you are 60, 70 or 80. It is a matter of mind and not cronological time. When your mind is young, fresh and refreshed you will always feel young.
I always say you're only as old as you feel, definitely still young at 31!
Hi x Yes by all means 31 is young, I still consider myself to be young at 36 xx
I am 33 years old and now and again feel young or old depends on how I am feeling that day lol
Well, yes! It is half of mine! But illness is not respectful of age!
From my point of view, yes, but when I was in my teens & early 20`s, 30 seemed geriatric. I wouldn`t mind being that age again.
Yes your young, im aslo 31.
Yes .....I would guess it depends on the age of the person who you ask though an 18 year old may say it is old
Someone rapidly approaching 60 (me) would say yes it is young
Im 33 in two weeks and im still young. X