Started off strong...: I did everything... - Anxiety and Depre...

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Started off strong...

Desperate4Happiness profile image

I did everything possible to start today off strong just to end up frustrated, disgusted, in tears, and ready to give up again.

It's 7:30 pm and I can't wait to fall asleep.

I often wonder what I could've done in my outdoors life to deserve this punishment.

Good night everyone.

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12 Replies
robin0507 profile image

every little thing makes us stronger, you are feeling all sorts of things and it is normal. I am wishing that today will be a great day

last week I spent several days stuck at home then I was finally able to be outside I truly enjoyed it.. now I'm stuck again but it won't be for too long! I am looking forward for better days

Starrlight profile image

oh I’m so sorry. Are you better now? Sometimes we just need time, it passes, and then things go better than we expected, hopefully that’s the case, take every one day at a time. Break the day up. I know the feeling of wishing for night to end the hard day.

Turnipgirl profile image
Turnipgirl in reply to Starrlight

The days can be horrific and brutal can't they?

What I do is break the day up into sections with what I have to do that day and take things day by day!

I have been there as well praying for evening to come to put an end to the brutal day!

Desperate4Happiness profile image
Desperate4Happiness in reply to Starrlight

A different day...same ending. I'll get a bit of a reprieve after tomorrow as I sing have to go back to the office until 7/9.

I hope today was a good day for all of you.

Starrlight profile image
Starrlight in reply to Desperate4Happiness


Cookie2217 profile image

I hope you are doing better now Desperate4Happiness. I was in battle with depression that lasted four long and debilitating years. A medication change has worked to get me back on the right track again. I changed from Pristiq 100 mg to Prozac 20 mg and it has been a complete Godsend to me! I journal too which is very helpful to me to get all those negative feelings out in the open and on paper to get things off my chest so to speak. Have you tried journaling yourself? I also am interested in learning how to do meditation and Tai Chi for exercise for me. I feel as those things things would help me stay focused on my goals. I hope you find what works best for you soon. Wishing you peace and well-being.

Desperate4Happiness profile image
Desperate4Happiness in reply to Cookie2217

I want to start journaling but haven't done do yet. Thank you for the suggestions. I have a list of things I want to try but my frustration blocks me from moving forward. I'm going to try to push forward to better my mental health. My meds keep getting adjusted, currently on zoloft and wellbutrin but nothing seems to work consistently.

Cookie2217 profile image
Cookie2217 in reply to Desperate4Happiness

Have you tried Prozac yet? It's the longest depression drug out there and has worked for myself, my best friend and my husband's cousin too. Tell your doctor that you wish to try it and heard that it's very good and maybe he or she will start you on that. I know it's frustrating when your medication gets adjusted because they are trying to find the right combination that's right for you. I am diagnosed with Major depressive disorder, PTSD and adjustment disorder as well. Good luck with finding the proper medications for you and don't forget that you are your strongest advocate you know. If you don't feel the medication is working after a month or so ask for Prozac. I swear by it. It has brought me out of a four-year battle with depression that was extremely excruciating and debilitating. Take care of yourself. Let me know how you are doing.

Desperate4Happiness profile image
Desperate4Happiness in reply to Cookie2217

Thank you for sharing what worked for you. I put that on my list of things to discuss with my therapist.

Turnipgirl profile image

Last Friday I became extremely angry and frustrated over having a coffee break interrupted by a phone call!

I had just been to a booked appointment and had sat down to relax with a drink and the phone went and it was a company wanting to put me on the spot with an unplanned phone interview and they said to me we want to ask you a few questions do you mind and I snapped back yes I do mind and they were quite taken aback!

They asked about ringing back and I said that I would ring them to shut them up in other words get stuffed and slammed the phone down!

I think that's cheeky to do that and it speaks volumes about a place and I was right to snap and slam the phone down on them!

My friends all said good on me for having done that and people like that are so used to getting their own way so when I said yes I did mind getting put on the spot it was a shock to them and when I slammed the phone down after telling them to get stuffed!

Desperate4Happiness profile image
Desperate4Happiness in reply to Turnipgirl

Kudos to you! I felt relief just reading your post. I think we hold too much frustration in when trying to accommodate others and not taking care of our own needs.

Turnipgirl profile image
Turnipgirl in reply to Desperate4Happiness

Point is why should we be the ones to miss out?

Another mate of mine said no things like tea breaks and lunch breaks aren't silly and trivial and that they are extremely important for both physical and mental health!

Many years ago when I was in my 20s I had felt devastated when I was told no I wasn't getting a cooks job I had wanted and had taken time off work due to having been emotionally upset by this and had felt guilty thinking it was fraud as I wasn't physically unwell.

One of the supervisors had said to me no having done that was in no way fraud and my friends had said I was right to have taken time off for that as it's just as valid as calling out sick say for physical illness like the flu!

The supervisor who had said no it wasn't fraud to take time off for mental health problems died young when she was 65 and she used to talk to me with all sorts of problems and said how she had never heard any of it get repeated and how that makes me an extremely great friend for anyone to have.

I feel when that supervisor died young she went to a better place myself!

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