I don't get it!: You know what hurts... - Anxiety and Depre...

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I don't get it!

AlwaysSweet profile image
24 Replies

You know what hurts, is the people (family) who you thought supposed to love you the most and understand you the most. They really don't understand when you're fighting something mentally. To them they just want the old you back and they're looking for the old you to show up tomorrow. And you're just sitting there feeling bad because you know that person inside is already gone. Now you're focused on trying to figure out who's the person you're trying to become.

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AlwaysSweet profile image
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24 Replies
Agora1 profile image

I so hear you AlwaysSweet... Family, Friends distance themselves until you find your

inner circle of support gone. No one can possibly understand an invisible pain as we

experience. No Bandage, No Cast, nothing but inner emotional pain.

Believe in this dear in that the inner you is still there but stuck in fear and loneliness.

But it can and will reappear one day when you are ready and the time is right.

Taking the first step forward will be the hardest but it can be done.

My experience was if nobody was going to be there for me, then I will prove to them

as well as myself, that I have the will and the power to survive. I love myself enough

to change things that hold me down. I will never allow others to try and make me

into something they need. I am my own person and I Will and Can reach my goal.

Remember AlwaysSweet, "Where our thoughts go, our Life goes"....

Welcome to a great community of understanding and support. :) xx

AlwaysSweet profile image
AlwaysSweet in reply to Agora1

Invisible Pain!!! Wow... And that just it. As much as it hurts I still do as much as I can to satisfy; I don't even know why. But as I write this I think it's coming to me, a better understanding or maybe.

AlwaysSweet profile image
AlwaysSweet in reply to Agora1

Thank you so much. 💗

AlwaysSweet profile image
AlwaysSweet in reply to AlwaysSweet

Reading what you wrote felt so relatable.

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to AlwaysSweet

I know the feelings because I've been there. :) xx

Celtic27 profile image

Im sorry that your family have let you down i think most people have had the same problem but try not to let the failure of others to help you define who you are i found people either cant be bothered to go the extra mile to be there for you when you need them most if you need to talk please message me take care

AlwaysSweet profile image
AlwaysSweet in reply to Celtic27

Yes you are right. Thank you so much 💗

LoveforAll41 profile image

I am so sorry Always that you are going through this. I agree with Agora, that person is still there, just the daggum mental struggles are in the way. I think that it is very very hard for people that have not experienced mental illness to understand it. I wrote a letter to my parents the first time I was trying to experience stuff... it was an attempt at least. I don't know that it helped much. I think there is probably some good stuff out there to help others understand. Have you expressed why you don't want to do things when they ask? "I don't want to go to the movies because I have 1,000 other things that I feel I need to get done or I am a worthless human being"? Maybe they could see that you are weighed down or something then at least. Have you reached out for help by getting therapy?☮️

AlwaysSweet profile image

Yes, I feel like I need to do things that I have planned out for my day and as soon as I can't get it done due to having to do things for others, I'm really hard on myself but I wanted to make sure the other person was at least satisfied. Therapy I've been looking into it really want to go. Some problems with insurance. Thank you so much 💗

Blossom2223 profile image

Hey! I'm so sorry you are experiencing this. Some will never understand what you go through until they experience it, and that's ok. What's important is to focus on yourself and do everything that you can that's best for you! I love what you said about looking for the new person you are becoming! Sometimes it's best to leave the past in the past and never look back. Focus on who you are now, learn you and love you. Focus on how you can better yourself, for yourself and nobody else. I know you love your family so it's a deep cut but you have to love yourself even more!

Sending hugs!

AlwaysSweet profile image
AlwaysSweet in reply to Blossom2223

🥹 Thank you 🫂💗

Hi AlwaysSweet ~ I think most of us on here can understand the disappointment, loneliness, anger & fear you're experiencing. I'm nearly 71 and have my share of pain.I've found that our families, spouses, employers, co-workers and closest friends often don't know much about mental health & don't know how to help & respond to us.

I would work up enough courage to call a friend only to get crickets on the other end, small talk, sports or about what they were going through. After weeks of me doing all the calling, they quit answering the phone or ducked me stopping by. Finally they feel off the radar. Some people don't care and that's on them, but I'd say the majority just don't know how to help you. So be compassionate to them too. Some will stick by your side, then you know you've found yourself a real treasure. Reach out anytime, we're here to listen & share our insight. 🤗

AlwaysSweet profile image
AlwaysSweet in reply to

Wow that's hurtful, I'm sorry you had to go through that. I totally understand. Thank you so much 💗.

MaggieSylvie profile image

They don't get it either! At least they want the old you back and are looking forward to that. You say you won't get the old you back because they've gone, but the new you won't appear to be much different - perhaps more positive thinking, happier - whatever you are hoping for. But clearly they are not able to help you so you have to do that for yourself. Just so long as there is someone in the family who will listen to you when you need that.

AlwaysSweet profile image
AlwaysSweet in reply to MaggieSylvie

Thank you 💗

AlwaysSweet profile image
AlwaysSweet in reply to MaggieSylvie

Thank you 💗

Teaching profile image

It's a lot to deal with. It's even worse when people around you treat you badly.

AlwaysSweet profile image
AlwaysSweet in reply to Teaching

Like it's to the point during an argument I'm literally begging them to just stop because I can't handle it right this moment, the not understanding to stop is crazy to me. When they keep pushing the situation I just break down (anxiety attack).

Teaching profile image
Teaching in reply to AlwaysSweet

Please avoid any argument with them. I can't handle it either. I try to avoid any encounter.

Hey AlwaysSweet🤍I totally get that when it feels like those to us may not fully understand what we go through especially if they haven’t gone through it. When you talk about the old you, do you mean before you felt like everything changed? I remember when I went through a traumatic experience 3 years ago. I literally found out who my true friends were because the real ones stick by you in the hard times and good times. The ones I thought would be there left or even ghosted me or ignored my calls…crazy how life turns out. I learned a lot by just learning to be alone and embrace it even if it was scary at first. 🖤I hope it helps and you are not alone I’m definitely here to talk

in reply to

And by the way I think that’s amazing you’re discovering a new you it sounds like despite your challenges and pains🖤

AlwaysSweet profile image
AlwaysSweet in reply to

Yes because on top of all that I'm just finding myself as a mother of two young boys 4 and 1. I do worry about making sure I don't let them down.

in reply to AlwaysSweet

I give u so much credit💙

AlwaysSweet profile image
AlwaysSweet in reply to

Thank you so much 💗

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