I’m feeling down. Just looking for some motivation and positivity to keep going. I’m getting ready to move next month ( which is a huge stressor itself) and I’m in the process of rehoming my dog. I have little motivation to get out of bed. My husband just doesn’t ‘get it’ and keeps saying it will be ok. But I’m not ok. Hoping to chat with someone who understands.
Anyone want to chat?: I’m feeling down... - Anxiety and Depre...
Anyone want to chat?

I can chat.
Hi Teal33
Moving is definitely stressful. I hope the move goes smoothly for you! Is there something about the move that has you feeling down?
Hi Michael8072,
Thanks for replying. I don’t think it’s anything in particular about the move. It’s just a stressful situation altogether. There’s just so much to do…
How are you doing? Do you have anxiety/ depression? If so, how do you manage?
Totally understand it’s definitely stressful.
Right now not doing the greatest. Do have anxiety and depression. I like to get outside and move in nature that helps me a lot. Walking and burning out the anxiety so my mind is focusing on me being tired and not all the usual thoughts swirling through my head that I wake up to.
Journaling helps me as well. Getting whatever is in my thoughts out and in the open so I’m not holding it in.
I’m sorry to hear that you are not doing the greatest. I really appreciate your suggestions. I will try journaling as I do hold a lot of my thoughts to myself. If I can get myself out of bed perhaps I will go for a walk.
it’s been about 3 days now. Do you have anxiety or depression? If so, how do you manage? Any tips?
That is good that it has only been 3 days. I have depression and anxiety. Being active on this site helps so much. I used to have a hard time getting out of bed. I am on this site on my computer so I have to get out of bed to use it. I started looking forward to coming on this site checking for messages and reading posts. It really has made a huge difference for me.
That’s a great suggestion. I will use this community to help me.
Not really. Today I got out of bed to go to the washroom and get a drink of water. Other than that I’ve been in bed all day. No appetite, no motivation to do anything.
Did you already struggle with depression and/or anxiety before 3 days ago?
Thanks for checking in. No I didn’t make it out of bed today. I tried to watch some movies on tv to occupy my mind.
Can you try getting out of bed and just moving out to the couch to watch tv in the other room?
I wish I could… Just can’t get there
How about sitting in a chair in your bedroom instead of laying in bed?
That’s an option but I love the coziness of my bed and curling up under the sheets.
Sometime it helps to take baby steps to get yourself out of bed. Of course it is more cozy in bed, but you don't want to stay there all the time. Get yourself to take little steps to get you back out. I really recommend you try sitting in a chair even if just for 5 minutes the first time. Just to take that very first step.
Hi Teal.
Yes, moving can be one of the biggest stressors going. I last moved almost 4 years ago, and it was the best thing I ever did! Great bungalow, perfect views!
We still aren't straight, but it doesn't matter, I'm not getting myself in a lather about it, I'm just taking the Hakuna Matata way, No worries, It will happen when it happens, The bungalow is paid for, the furnishings are temporary but do the job.
Cheers, Midori
I know exactly how you feel. I moved in March to a new area and I've been depressed ever since. I can't imagine having to give up my dog. I love her so much! How are you going to handle that? Are you moving far away so that you have to start over or are you staying in the same area?

Hi Barbloki,
I’m moving to a new city. It’s not too far from where I am now. I am really not handling the rehoming of my dog. But she’s really aggressive and bites and I’m afraid of her. I’ve had several trainers, sent her away for a month to be trained ( she did get a little better) but she had regressed and now I’m out of options. I am hoping once I move it will be a fresh start. I just have to get there….
I'm sorry your dog has issues. Hopefully you can find a new home for her. I wish I had good advice about moving. Just the word "moving" gives me anxiety. I need stability in my life and I don't feel stable in this new area.