Tight chest feels like lump in throat no ambition
Tight chest feels like lump in throat... - Anxiety and Depre...
Tight chest feels like lump in throat comes and goes been like this for 4 months
Hi Bobcatking and Welcome
Your symptoms are very typical of Anxiety. Our feelings, our emotions are
felt in our chest and throat. The more we worry, the tighter our muscles get.
Of course, since we aren't doctors and can only go by our own experiences,
it is always in your best interest to have a doctor address this issue.
I'm happy you are here with us. You are not alone xx
It's crippling I feel like I'm dying Or going to
I understand dear.. It is a very frightening position to be in. The not knowing
our thoughts leading us to believe we are about to die. You haven't mentioned
if you are on medication or if you are seeing a therapist. Something is causing
these symptoms and if not physically then it needs to be addressed psychologically.
I know you are afraid but please get some answers for yourself starting with a doctor
so you know what direction you are going in. No one should have to live like this. xx
I have been on paxil for 15 years I do see my cardiologist yearly I was diagnosed with myocarditis 8 years ago I do take a blood pressure med also Every Winter Is this health anxiety hit me at some point Then it just debilitates me and gets worse Chest tightness Tightness in my throat Like a lump Some days are good Some days are horrible My pulse And blood pressure Is almost perfect as I check it constantly
I’ve had anxiety off and on for years and have had this as well. It’s a common anxiety symptom and nothing to fear.
Im going to have to try this chest tightness all the time is driving me crazy
My tightness lasts all day I sleep good then it comes on in the am again and maybe goes away for a day or two
Yes going to make an appointment tomorrow. Its been going on for 3 months my pulled and blood pressure are almost perfect
let me see if they can
yes they can 😟
Heating pads can help with the pain
Glad that you are getting help. You are not alone
Have you tracked what triggers it or increases in the tightness? What makes it reduce?
Sounds like an anxiety attack, but definitely something you should get checked out by a Doctor. The first anxiety attack I had I went to Emerg as I thought it was A heart attack.. Welcome to the community and hope you feel better.
How are you now? doc should check with a regular panel for heart or thyroind too....any of those issues?best wishes.