Bad choice for me, that is. - Anxiety and Depre...

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Bad choice for me, that is.

1Tess2 profile image
29 Replies

I wanted relief from this crippling anxiety that I tried a benzo. I know they’re effective for some people and I’m not trying to bash them. I’m down to .5 at night and .5 in the day. It does help my anxiety but not enough to enjoy life to the fullest. I feel so bad about this decision. It just causes me more anxiety because I didn’t know the risk by taking them and the doctor didn’t bother to tell me although I should’ve done my own homework beforehand.

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1Tess2 profile image
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29 Replies
b1b1b1 profile image

You are taking a fairly low level. It would be dangerous to stop cold turkey, however, I don't think you will have much difficulty weaning from the level you are at. Ask the prescribing doctor or your GP how to gradually decrease.

1Tess2 profile image
1Tess2 in reply to b1b1b1

Thanks for the suggestion. I was on 4 mg but have been on 1 mg for over 10 years. Even going down to this amount has me being easily startled, feeling sick and still only able to sit on my back porch. Can’t even go out. Ugh!!

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to 1Tess2

Hi 1Tess2, Everything you are feeling is quite normal when trying to cut

down on benzos. I've been there as well and my dose was only 0.25mg Once

a day BUT..for 30 years. (until it no longer worked)

It was a slow process in weaning down but my doctor did it safely. I never regret

having been on them because life was unlivable at the time. Once I was off them

I never once went back. Benzos had done their job for me and now it was time

to move on. Allowing our brains to heal from long time benzo use is possible.

Those symptoms will eventually go away with no cravings left in their path.

Life does go on without benzos. :) xx

1Tess2 profile image
1Tess2 in reply to Agora1

Hi and Thank you. As I said I was on them for over 10 years. Do you feel like they affected your brain? If so, Did you recover. I mean I’ve read all the things that could possibly happen and know everyone is different but I have brain fog, so scary, but I know my memory isn’t as great as it used to be. Short term has definitely been affected as well as cognitive. Just feel bad😔spacy and off with pressure in my ears. I wake up with anxiety in the pit of my stomach. I just want this to be over.

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to 1Tess2

Hi Tess, I did recover...It sounds like what you have now are the residual effects

from cutting down on the medication. Brain fog, spacy, pressure in ears and waking

up with anxiety in the pit of the stomach can eventually be overcome.

The more I learned about anxiety and the effects of it on both the Mind & Body

Connection, the easier it was to gain control of my life again.

One of the books that I could recommend that helped me to understand Anxiety

and to accept it was by Dr. Claire Weekes' "Hope & Help for Your Nerves" It is

written in a simple yet heartfelt way for all to understand how we can get our

life back.

There is so much I can say on this subject such as after struggling with Anxiety

as well as 5 years of Agoraphobia, I have gotten my life back. I now use daily

Meditation and Breathing exercises to keep my Adrenaline levels low as well

as keeping a Positive mind. I am now here to pass my success forward knowing

what it's like to have suffered the way I did for many years. Never give up,

it will happen for you when the time is right. :) xx

Weatherwoman profile image
Weatherwoman in reply to Agora1

Hope & Help for your Nerves is like "My Bible!" I used to carry her book with me in my purse. Dr. Claire Weekes helped me way back when there wasn't much help out there, no really good meds. (not that there are any good one's now, just more choices)! I didn't see a therapist for years as it was a time where one didn't speak much about anxiety, or depression --we just "sucked it up" & suffered in silence. I, finally, got professional help, but by that time, it would take years, and I must say I am still struggling, but have made A lot of progress in many areas. However, life has a way of Hitting you hard, at times, (lost my Sig. Other of 27 years together) last Nov. & of course, I am more anxious & depressed. Still using Dr. Weeks after all these years (memorized most of her book/s)! Meditation helps (have to do more of that), and diag. breathing helps. Can't listen to music now as makes me cry too much. Liked your post & I can relate.

Weatherwoman profile image
Weatherwoman in reply to Weatherwoman

When I read Dr. Weeks, it seemed like she was sitting right next to me. & such a compassionate person!

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Weatherwoman

I so agree :) xx

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Weatherwoman

I'm so sorry for your loss Weatherwoman... Your response resonates

with my feelings about Dr. Claire Weekes. I agree with everything you

said. She was a very compassionate woman and doctor. Did you know

it all started because she suffered from Anxiety herself and looked for

ways she could help herself and her patients?. :) xx

Weatherwoman profile image
Weatherwoman in reply to Agora1

Yes, I know that she suffered from anxiety as I have read her bio. online. She said her only fear was of Earthquakes!!! She wrote a few other books, as well! She was a pioneer in the behavioral sciences!

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Weatherwoman

I didn't know she was afraid of Earthquakes. :) xx

Weatherwoman profile image
Weatherwoman in reply to Agora1

Read that in one of her interviews, but can't remember where~

Hope4me1 profile image

I have been on and off of Clonazepam in the span of about 5 years now. The highest dose was .75 mg. I am down to .125 mg now for the most part. These are very small doses I know. But I feel the side effects none the less. I am trying to work through my anxiety on my own and most days I do well. I am taking CDB tincture which is a more natural path of a calming aid. I feel that benzos have cause me to feel more anxious when I don’t take them. But when I need them they do help. I went 8 months without needing them in the 5 years of taking them. Then I had a set back and had to start up again. I have been gradually reducing ever since. I am getting stronger and hope that someday I can be free of them all together.

1Tess2 profile image
1Tess2 in reply to Hope4me1

You are doing well. Yes, they increase my anxiety in the same way too. My anxiety was debilitating but I know the benzos are not for long term use and I can’t wait to be free from them too and try natural things like you’re doing. I have to try CDB tincture. I’ve haven’t heard of it before. Where do you go to get yours from? Thank you so much. I appreciate your response.

Hope4me1 profile image
Hope4me1 in reply to 1Tess2

I use Medterra brand. I shop at Green Wellness. On line store. 1000 mg bottle at $43.19. Lasts a month or so. Comes with a dropper that you fill to the amount you want. You leave it under your tongue for 30 seconds, then swallow. It is an isolate that is THC free. I have used other brands but this I found works best for me.

1Tess2 profile image
1Tess2 in reply to Hope4me1

Thank you. I am going to purchase some😊

Stippler profile image

For me, benzos caused very severe depression, landing me in the hospital more than once. It took some time, but I gradually tapered off of them. I have not taken any of them for 6 years now. While my anxiety is back, it was still the best thing I could have done, because the benzo-induced depression (and the anxiety that accompanied it) were far worse. Maybe it doesn't affect you this way, it is only my own experience I wanted to share. Best of luck to you. :)

1Tess2 profile image
1Tess2 in reply to Stippler

Exactly. That’s where I think my depression came from. When I get over this I’m never touching these again.

WilliamG profile image

I was on a high dose of Klonopin for several years. When I tapered off, I ended up with protracted withdrawal syndrome. It lasted several months and I never thought I’d be normal again. Such a terrifying time! That being said, I did manage to get better. It’s said that about 10% of long term benzo users develop protracted withdrawals, some of them for as long as two years! The Ashton Manual recommends an extremely slow taper to avoid it. I’d recommend checking it out if you’re worried about it. If you can’t find the Ashton Manuel using Google, let me know and I can message you a link.

1Tess2 profile image
1Tess2 in reply to WilliamG

William, I’m praying I can be normal again too. I’ve looked at the Ashton Manual but I’m going to go back and look at it again. I’m so glad you got through this and you’re ok. Hopefully that will be my fate too.

1Tess2 profile image

Hello everyone, Thank you so much for your help. I am grateful yet scared. I was on 1 mg at night and .05 during the day. She told me on this Wednesday to reduce the 1mg to .5 and take .5 during the day. I just got on this regimen last Friday. Don’t y’all think that was too fast? I’m up worried and sweating.

1Tess2 profile image

I don’t think they’re fully aware or have much of a clue when it comes to tapering off these meds. When I first started I had no idea you weren’t supposed to be on them for a long period and my doctor at the time kept prescribing them. I have certainly learned my lesson and will be researching everything from now on.

1Tess2 profile image

Oh I’m very nervous about the titration process as I’ve heard many horrific stories but also don’t know if the sweating is from withdrawal. In my reading it does say it’s one of the symptoms😞 I’m going back to the Ashton manual as William stated above.

Ryanlion profile image


1Tess2 profile image

I’m in the US as well.

1Tess2 profile image

I’m sorry you had that experience and very glad you made it through. They’re going to have to do something. For now I don’t think I’m going lower until things ease up a bit.

punkster profile image

I stopped taking benzos because I was afraid of addiction. They decreased my anxiety, but left me feeling "spaced", which I didn't like. My psychiatrist told me that most people go through periods in their life where their anxiety is heightened. That was true for me. I needed prescription meds to get through that period and now I don't need them. I agree with the others that you might want to try CBD (no THC). It comes in tinctures and in gummies. Buy it from a reputable place and research brands. CBD helped me transition off the meds. Don't take them together, though.

PeaceNeed profile image

I try to take them only when i need them 1mg to 0.25. My anxiety level and Depression are thru the roof.

Agora1 profile image

Tess, I forgot to mention that my psychiatrist used the Dr. Heather Ashton's method

of weaning off benzos. It took long but was done safely and more sanely by switching

to a longer acting benzo as my weaning continued. :) xx

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