I know how Wile. E. Coyote felt falli... - Anxiety and Depre...

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I know how Wile. E. Coyote felt falling off that Cliff. I was on top of the world and suddenly fell, slamming into the earth below

Azdreg profile image
7 Replies

I was recently released from incarceration and find myself increasingly discouraged due to the endless obstacles that I encounter on the daily. I went from having a family, a house, a vehicle, and a fantastic job to alone and broken. A heart full joy quickly became full of sorrow and pain. Does it get better? What will it take to heal from my momentary lapse of reason?

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Azdreg profile image
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7 Replies
TryingSoHard66 profile image

I don’t know all the details but I know life is just about getting through one day at a time. Don’t borrow trouble from tomorrow. Just concentrate on whether or not you are okay today.

Do you have a place to sleep? Did you eat today? Do you have warm enough clothes and bedding?

If you have those things, and you are not sick or in pain, you are okay, even if you are feeling sad and scared.

Starrlight profile image


Agora1 profile image

Azdreg, congratulations on a new start, a new beginning for you. It's not

about where you've been but where you are going now.

What will it take to heal?? Time and Patience. Believing in yourself and what

you are capable of achieving is a one step at a time process. But it can be done...

What you need right now is someone *an employer, who will believe in the work

you can do and giving you a chance. Everyone deserves a second chance at life.

I wish you well. I'm happy to Welcome you on this caring support forum.

Please continue to use us as your support system. :) xx

012703060610 profile image

Hi there-a fresh start...but certainly can feel overwhelming. If you are new here, welcome! I actually am a mentor in my state for newly released folks from incarceration. Do you know if you have any services like that? Each person has unique needs, but I do walk them through the process, personally walk them out and then get them where they need to be. I am a phone call or text away for support. Every time anyone has to start over it can easily become overwhelming. Just a thought. I am in the state of Idaho and not sure if other states or places have similar services.

Another member mentioned one day at a time. This is certainly true. Please take care and keep us posted. You'll find lots of folks here with varying backgrounds and experiences that really help!

Azdreg profile image
Azdreg in reply to 012703060610

Yes I'm brand new here. I was able to get a job with in the first three weeks of being released and currently reside in a halfway house. I've been out for almost a month. Again it's having to start over from nothing. It's funny how easy starting out it is when you're a unknowing youth compared to a somewhat knowing adult. Mostly it's the lonely feeling that comes with all of this.

Azdreg profile image

On the grand scale of the universe 32 is young. Yet it feels like at this age I should have stability. Right now everything feels like I'm standing in the middle of a cyclone.

Itiswhatitis9 profile image

I know how you feel. I got out 3 years ago. I'm 37 now. I've had good success at getting a job and a place to live. Most things have gotten better everyday. The main thing I struggle with is finding meaningful relationships. I've found people to be 50/50 when it comes to caring if I'm a felon or not. The other struggle has been my anxiety. I can't shake the feeling that it could all end in the blink of an eye. I've talked to others that can't shake the feeling either.

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