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American Indian, COVID 19, and Cost of Living

AnonymousPS profile image
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I don't identify with my town anymore.

It is tough being an American Indian, single, female. There are not a lot of American Indian males to date. I am open to date any race, it is just my race is a minority and it hurts that I can't really connect with my own race.

The cost of living is too high. Rent is high. The basic cost for living is high where a basic job doesn't sustain the prices in stores and with life, to keep up with technology, social life.

Everyone I grew up was pushed out from the cost of rent. There are a lot of new city people who moved in from Los Angeles, and other expensive areas like Chicago. Rent down my block is $6,000/month, its a new development. Nobody I know lives there. It just went up 8 months ago.

Gas is high. I can't afford rent down my street, where I grew up, on Indian reservation.

Simple basic meals at the restaurants or coffee shops are too expensive. I like to be out and meet people but eating out is something I can't afford. I can only afford 1-2 items when I go out. And, I have to pre-plan meals and look at the menu before going to the shop.

College is double the price since I last was in college. I don't understand who can really afford the cost of college which is really expensive. I have not successfully transferred my college degree into a career with an income that supports me.

COVID 19 has caused me grief. I remember being so embarrassed to wear a mask to cover my mouth/face. I don't connect with people in a warm way that I use to do. It has caused me depression and isolation from the pandemic.

What's left to do when there are so many changes?

I did not vote in November. I am not really involved in the city or state, or even federal government. I see a lot of vast changes in all those areas. My own city doesn't represent my tribe. And, my family is 2 generation from "the hut."

I want to relocate. I just want to pick a safe, nice, and simple area. I thought about going into farming since it doesn't require so much out of me, it is easier on me. I don't think I could keep up as a cashier. It is too fast pace for me. And, farming is easier, even a janitorial job, or housekeeping.

I studied a Political Science, Business Administration, and I have online college certifications in Paralegal Studies and some online classes. I don't find any of the things I studied to make me happy, or rewarding. In fact, I thought if I studied these topics it would help me learn the world around me, but instead, I have found them to be unfulfilling. If I go back to college, I'd do something in art or some type of creative field.

I find being almost 34 years old to be painful and tough. It's really reflective, and right now I feel lost.

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AnonymousPS profile image
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Hb2003 profile image

your not alone remember that 🙏 i also am in a minority group . College is way too expensive where i am at and tuition is getting higher where i am at as well .

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