Hi guys was wondering if anyone has experience with ovarian cysts. I had an ultrasound which confirmed I have a cyst on my left ovary, the nurse couldn’t see my right ovary during the scan.. she told me not to worry and i will either be referred to a gynae to have the cyst removed or drained. My periods have been so irregular since the start of this year. My last period was the 24th March and nothing during the whole of April. I began to bleed early hours of this morning and I’m unsure if it’s a period or something else? I called my Dr this morning and told him all this and he basically said he wants to wait 2 WEEKS for my ultrasound report to come back and that we can take it from there. I’m freaking out, obviously my mind went to cancer right away but the lady who done my scan said not to worry as I asked her almost 30 times if I should be worried 😂 I’m still really scared and feel awful at the moment, I’m so tired, my tummy is aching, my legs feel cramped up ☹️
Ovarian cyst : Hi guys was wondering if... - Anxiety and Depre...
Ovarian cyst

Don’t freak out about this but … i first went to medCheck for my symptoms I had extreme unbearable pain in my pelvic area and they told me that i have to go to the hospital because they thought i had appendicitis which ovarian cysts do have same symptoms of that so I went had to do an ultra sound and an x ray got IV medication. My ovarian cysts bursted and that was the cause of the pain Ovarian cysts can burst by themselves or you many need surgery depending ion how big it is and if it bursts and is causing you unbearable pain. And this was when i was 16 😬 oh and another thing if your ovarian cyst is ruptured then you do need to go to the hospital for the pain
This is why I’m confused I don’t know if the pain and bleeding is from a period or if it’s something to do with the cyst bursting 😔! My Dr wasn’t really any help, I don’t want to phone the hospital Incase It’s nothing but my anxiety is making that hard! Thank you so much for taking time to reply! I really do appreciate it xxxx
It sounds like the cyst is small and they sometimes go away on their own. I had one the size of a grapefruit when I was 21 in 1971. I’m still here and it wasn’t cancerous. Science has come a long way since then, treatment has changed and detection of a cyst is caught earlier as in your case. If it was dangerous, you wouldn’t be waiting to see the doc. In the meantime, because of your pain, call and see what they can do for it. 😊
Snap , mine was in 1972 when I was 24, we’re still here to tell the tale 😁
Don’t you look back and wonder how it was possible that we are still here? Lol
Lol, I do, often wonder how Igot to be 74, it only seems like yesterday when I started my first job 😳
Not to worry, they're common . I had one when I was in my twenties. It was size of a grapefruit and had to do surgery to remove it. If they thought it was anything extremely serious they wouldn't wait 2 weeks.Most cysts are not a big deal.
Thanks for sharing. As your nurse mentioned it is not something to worry about. Ovarian cysts are common. Try not to focus on it for the next two weeks. When it comes to your mind, try to distract yourself. For me as I am worried about something I pray and give it to God. Then I truly try to let go of it. Are you in any pain? I will be praying for you. Here is an article (bit.ly/39jTjWK) you might find helpful. Hugs and God Bless
I think they can 95 percent tell by the scan if it’s just a cyst. My wife had one the size of a baseball removed in 2007 she’s fine.
I had cysts. A HUGE one on my right ovary. 5 inches in diameter. I had to have both ovaries removed. I’m 45 so it was the best thing ever. Instant menopause and no more period mood swings, etc. there is a blood test they use to check for cancer related to that area. CA-125. Ask to have it. Mine was high and went way down to normal once my cysts were out.
I had one as a teenager that was 3 times the SI, e of the ovary and it was trying to twist itself off which caused excruciating pain and I had to have emergency surgery bc it ruptured. The pain was so bad I couldn't walk. I didn't lose my ovary which was my main concern. Dr. said all women get them and they usually go away on their own and some don't. I haven't had another one stick around. Like someone said they wouldn't make you wait 2 weeks if it was something serious.