What about a TV which automatically t... - Anxiety and Depre...

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What about a TV which automatically turns the volume off and on when adverts appear? All those adverts which makes your teeth grind, those..

Adlon57 profile image
32 Replies

What about a TV which automatically turns the volume off and on when adverts appear? Absolute silence you slip out to the kitchen for a quick snack, or sneak up to the loo for a quick 'leak'? Absolute Heaven!🤗🤗🙃👏👏👏👏😆😆

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Adlon57 profile image
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32 Replies
Hb2003 profile image

Yes 🙌 dream come true ☺️ I hate ads so much they infuriate me

Blueruth profile image

Easy peesy … bluetooth headphones. Just take them out.

Adlon57 profile image
Adlon57 in reply to Blueruth

Yes IF you can afford them, let alone if they work at all😤🙃🙄😀😀

Adlon57 profile image
Adlon57 in reply to Blueruth

We don't walk around our mansions with bluetooth headphones all day, listening to Friends and Golden Girls, most of us in UK cannot afford the blessed things!😤🙃🥴😆😆

Blueruth profile image
Blueruth in reply to Adlon57

Then enjoy the ads. That’s the trade off. We live in a capitalist society dear. If you pay for cable you pay more than i and I have premium internet due to work. I am lucky and frugal but not blind to the cost of living.

Adlon57 profile image
Adlon57 in reply to Blueruth

That's just about it, they are there if you live in a capitalist society, let's face it we all do, we have to abide by their rules, one of the things we have to put up with, whether we like it or not? I do not like them, but have no choice! 🥴🥴

Blueruth profile image
Blueruth in reply to Adlon57

Actually you do. You always do. The library doesn’t just lend books. They have videos and free online entertainment, paid with taxes (I checked if the UK libraries do and they do). It is one key way I save. You obviously have internet. That’s all you need. If golden girls is your standard then you’ll definitely find something better.Challenge is you want the past way of doing business. I understand that. If my older gen family figured it out despite dementia you can too. Heck, the librarians will even teach you for free. They might even do it over the phone. If they teach you zoom your world expands even more. So far I have not cost you a single pence. For 5 pounds/month I could introduce you to the best curated tv available right now.

Ads are only one way to make money in a capitalist society. You and most other people are giving control to corporations instead of participating. You also aren’t taking advantage of where your taxes go.

Adlon57 profile image
Adlon57 in reply to Blueruth

I meant TV adverts, because we are part of a capitalist society, we have no choice, we have to have adverts, they have become a financial cog in our capitalist everyday society! You don't have to tell me about books, being a retired genealogist/historical researcher, I have been through billions of books either written or in computer format, quite a library behind me, even sold one to my local museum for £350 [finances a bit tight!]

Unfortunately I have found books or records being scanned for computer usage, the saved programs are not updated, sometimes taken for granted as "computerised" the 'originals' taken for 'saved', badly "stored", then the computers scanned programs are automatically deleted![sorry going off the point, there!]


Blueruth profile image
Blueruth in reply to Adlon57

Caught ya…You didn’t read my comment. Nothing is “scanned into a computer”…do you think maybe tech has matured since the 20th century? There are services that distribute content to libraries and schools so they do not have to pay for 100% of the cost.

I am living in a capitalist society. If I didn’t want to that much I would move to North Korea . In a market driven economy you get to *choose*. That’s the point! Popular demand drive prices. Netflix is popular. There are no ads on Netflix because people made the choice to pay a monthly fee instead of sit through ads. Thanks to a system of government that is closer to social democratic than democratic you can still get access to online content free if you can’t afford Netflix.

Someone tells you about something you didn’t know about and would help you and all you do is come up with excuses? There..that IS a choice!

Blueruth profile image
Blueruth in reply to Adlon57

If you are still watching ads on tv shows in a week it is truly your *choice*.

Adlon57 profile image

I have plenty of documents “scanned into a computer” or laptops, have been doing that since mid 1990's! There are no AD's on the BBC, "Popular demand drive prices." this sort of 'rubbish' means that due to this, BBC will probably have to eventually introduce "ads" I do not like these commercialised, insincere, overbearing, "ads", I am old fashioned maybe but plenty of people would agree with me, wasting our time watching that rectangular object [which I honestly believe is introducing long term dementia and hyper activity into our households 🥴] read books, get outside, enjoy the 'fresh air' while we can!

Blueruth profile image
Blueruth in reply to Adlon57

"There are no AD's on the BBC, "Popular demand drive prices." this sort of 'rubbish' means that due to this, BBC will probably have to eventually introduce "ads" "I thought you were complaining about their fee recently.

Yes, that might be a choice they make -- if you don't want to pay for it via membership fee, taxes or donations. That is how it works. I guess they didn't teach that?

Adlon57 profile image

What about separate Channels used especially JUST for those tv adverts, as noisy, 'colourful', brash, teeth grinding, over the top, offensive, the more offensive ones later in the evening? Then we could watch unedited films [nice music and all], those comedy programs without being cut off half way through it? DO IT WITH ALL THE CHANNELS 🙃😀😆😜😝🕵️‍♀️🕵️‍♂️🤪theoretically yes but in practice no😤🥴🥴

Blueruth profile image
Blueruth in reply to Adlon57

"JUST for those tv adverts, as noisy, 'colourful', brash, teeth grinding, over the top, offensive, the more offensive ones later in the evening" -- we call this FoxNews.

"we could watch unedited films [nice music and all], those comedy programs without being cut off half way through it?" we call this online streaming . Oh look! Manchester library offers Kanopy and Hoopla! Kanopy is the one I use. I bet money your library does too. YOU JUST HAVE TO ASK!!!!

Do not even try to project what you think they may or may not offer.

Adlon57 profile image
Adlon57 in reply to Blueruth

I'll just turn the TV off, let it gather dust, listen to the radio, use my new laptop outside, get all the latest! Just like my big Sister in England! I have an excellent DVD library, the new laptop's speakers are excellent! I will be fully retired in a few months time, a bit more cash in the pocket, finish my book, if my health allows it after this pandemic, emigrate [not too USA, where their TV choices, I hear are a bit iffy?] I believe I will have two second hand tv's for sale 26" and 48"?

Blueruth profile image
Blueruth in reply to Adlon57

Great! then you have nothing to complain about and this post is silly to begin with. No?

"Iffy" The choices have been fabulous since the early 2000s. We are in a TV golden age. No more mindless game shows and sitcom reruns. You are just completely out of it. Even my mom at 89 watches a streaming channel.


You are one person who claims to read. Why on earth would you get two? No wonder you can't afford headphones. I got one and it is years old. No 4k for me until that thing dies and maybe not even then.

I hate to break it to you but radio is dated too. The best stuff is online. That is where I spend most of my entertainment time actually. All the radio stations are online. They call shows podcasts now. It is all free.

I think you may need to read the British novel Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

Adlon57 profile image
Adlon57 in reply to Blueruth

I'll stick to my menu, the 'other' one is at least 15 years old [has not been used in 5 years], I like being dated, that is why I'm a historian, don't like present society at all! Electrical stuff does not survive well in my household, except laptops? A bit of an expert on those had 13 of them since 2002! I have never streamed in my life! Proud of it! My era was 1970's! Not my favourite novel! The trouble with todays society is flooding no problem, climate change, as long as it does not cut off me electrics, if it does ABSOLUTE PANIC! [You lot will be hyper active zombies in ten years!]🥴🥴

Adlon57 profile image
Adlon57 in reply to Adlon57

I want to remember my favourite era, I do not like technology, I don't have much time left, I do not want to be dragged into a "Golden age of TV", I am living on borrowed time, terminal epilepsy, having had it for 50 years, then informed my next seizure will probably be my last! I do not have the time to be 'streamed' into tomorrow's technological breakthroughs, if I could, as I said I am a man of the past, and plainly disgusted by the "progress" of present day society, I would always appreciate the past to whatever age I would have lived to!👍👍

Adlon57 profile image
Adlon57 in reply to Adlon57

Something to cheer up our UK audience, we need it

Our Boris giving off as usual!
Blueruth profile image
Blueruth in reply to Adlon57

Gen z and millennials are pretty disgusted with boomers. Flooding is a done deal. Your generation didn’t do anything.

Blueruth profile image
Blueruth in reply to Adlon57

The problem is climate change and flooding? That rich considering your generation completely dropped the ball and still doesn’t do anything.

Adlon57 profile image
Adlon57 in reply to Blueruth

Yes and your generation talk about, advertise about it, complain about it, turn over to another channel, which there are plenty, and forget about it!🥴😆

Blueruth profile image
Blueruth in reply to Adlon57

Damn straight. Thanks for the longest drought in 800 years. We are enjoying it. Not.

Adlon57 profile image
Adlon57 in reply to Blueruth

We are getting two storms in three days, expected 100 mile an hour winds! Enjoy?

Adlon57 profile image
Adlon57 in reply to Blueruth

We were able to survive without electricity and TV's in my generation, even have an alternative, yours groan, groan, bleh!, bleh! yawn!

Isinatra profile image

Uhhh, Adlon…..do you have a mute button on your remote? 😁

Adlon57 profile image
Adlon57 in reply to Isinatra

That would be so simple! Well I can dream?🙄😆😆

Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply to Adlon57

It’s the least expensive way to go . Lol Or if no remote, turn down the volume to silence ads. If a tv had that automatic capability, initially the tv would cost more anyway and I’m sure it’s been thought of all ready. There’s just not enough need for it yet as long as people still have appendages. 👆🏻🦶🦵🏼💪🏼 👃🏻LolWhen Blueruth told me about all the possible advantages a library would have to offer regarding entertainment, I’m def making plans to check out my local library. Check yours out, too……

Adlon57 profile image
Adlon57 in reply to Isinatra

Dare I say it will now🤞 be able to get out more from this pandemic, let my laptop [old one, bin jobbie] new one far more portable, turn that rectangular thing off in the corner, [let it gather dust🙄] Local library positively neolithic. ironic think have better collection here at home😆🙄 but now have chance to prove it, actually might be able to finish my infamous book after 13 years!👍👍

Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply to Adlon57

It takes courage to turn that rectangular thing into a dust collector. I wish I could. Your library is Neolithic, eh? Toooo bad. I’m afraid mine will be also, but I’ve got my hopes up. 🤞Good luck on your book!🍀

Adlon57 profile image
Adlon57 in reply to Isinatra

Thanks Isinatra [I hope the last time I use this old laptop🥴]👍👍

Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply to Adlon57

Me, too. Lol

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