One good thing?A beautiful sky
What are you Grateful for? - Anxiety and Depre...
What are you Grateful for?

HealthUnlocked 🙏🏻

Hi snowdaze
Hi Starrlight. 🌸
I'm grateful for this forum, even though I did delete my account. I had no thoughts of coming back, but this lasted only a short while. I'm back, I need to be here it seems.
Some days/weeks/months can be too much when my GAD shows its despicable self. I may never win the war, but boy, I fight through each battle.

WE are Very Glad, that you DID return, snowdaze...... Welcome back.
What lovely words, AndrewT. Thank-you so much.🙏🏻

I’m so happy you are here ... you bring a cheerfulness and we just love you!
You are a sweet soul, Starrlight. I am so happy to have met you. 🦋

To you too!
Hi Starr,
Boy does this take me out of my nasty little box today.
Birds. Birds in flight, birds perched on the ground.
My sweet baby, snuggled up in the "cuddly" I made for her.
A hawk, circling high above.
A pair Dark-eyed Juncos foraging in my yard.
I'm grateful for internal peace. I'm grateful for those that have supported me during this long haul to pulling myself back up. Im grateful I can see my issues and deal with them better.
I am grateful to have gotten to know you, Dolphin14. This forum is valuable to all of us. That little bunny is adorable!

What beautiful kind words. Thank you so much. I'm honored to know you. We are all supporting each other and it's a wonderful place to share and feel safe.
It's so sweet. He/she comes by most mornings. I can hear it crunching on the hosta. I love it
Being alive , waking up every morning, HU members ❤️ Love you all , my brother’s silliness, being happy , family and family from Algeria miss them dearly ❤️❤️
wow looking so good and make my mind little free. nice image, thanks for your post.
I am grateful for the sunshine this morning before our rainy afternoon begins.
Our Starrlight is hanging in there. I’m grateful for that.
And the birds, always the birds. The chickadees drink water from the ant trap above the hummingbird feeder, and a hummingbird went all territorial about it and chased a chickadee. It was like a cartoon!
My sister
My little dog
My kitties
Better physical health
Discovering new teas
Being able to sing
Being able to cook
The fact that it's fall now
My orange-polished fingernails 😁
How did I miss Dolphin’s bunny popping up to remind me that nature and inner peace are more important than me taking the stupid pills anymore and they will be completely out of my system eventually so I’m going to stay strong. I need to throw them away. I’m on day 5 and I hear it takes 14 days to get out my system I’m on my way it’s ok.
Being in decent health, despite my bad habits. I need to stop taking it for granted, though.
My cat. My boyfriend, who has put up with difficulty from me for almost 20 years. The fact that I have a comfortable middle-class lifestyle. I had a good education, and physically my health is pretty good. I have a few good friends and am on good terms with my family.
Thank you for posting this. I needed to remember everything I have to be grateful for.