Seriousness is sickness, it just leads you to death, not to eternal life. Life is playfulness, fun, because the whole existence is a tremendous circus. It is all fun without any purpose. Fun is the most sacred word, far more sacred than prayer. It is the only word that can give you a sense of playfulness, can make you again a child.
A human being is a reality. When you come across a reality, there are going to be good times, bad times, pain, pleasure, ups and downs, highs and lows, agonies and ecstasies. That is life, it is absolutely experimental and experiential. Life is never about teaching but experimenting so don’t try to be a philosopher. It is like a dark shadow to fill your mind with thoughts, speculation, and never ending rationalization. Don’t try to be a thinker, we practice meditation to get to a total relaxed state of consciousness. The moment you flood your mind with thoughts, you will drown yourself in anxiety. So just simply be a human being.