Hi I’ve been taking these since November 2019. I increased my dosage in December as my panic attack’s were increasing due to stress , but just recently I’ve had terrible jaw ache / teeth feel tight & I feel like I have face ache , no other symptoms really & they definitely help my anxiety/ panic attack’s which were happening weekly . Now I cope so much better . Should I go to GP or is this normal do you think as a side affect ? I don’t know if I grind my teeth I don’t think I do ? Help so much appreciated if anyone else had similar side affect ? Thank you
Sertraline - jaw ache / teeth hurting - Anxiety and Depre...
Sertraline - jaw ache / teeth hurting

I suggest that you see your doctor and ask them the question. I personally would stay on it if its helping you but the maximum dose is 200mg what dose ste you taking?

Yes I’m on 200mg , was on 100mg but moved up to 200
I didn't experience anything like that on sertraline when I was on them (changed now). I would maybe speak to you doctor or even a dentist as I get jaw pain from grinding my teeth in my sleep and now have a mouth guard to sleep in to prevent it - this was a side effect of my anxiety not the medication.
Hey there! I never had those problems. It could be because of the medications, I would talk to your doctor about it. Otherwise I would assume it’s just because you’re very tight everywhere because of how panicky you are. Especially the face gets very tight and jaws often clench even just slightly more than usual of what you would notice and be sore after a lot of it. So you might not even notice but you might be just very uptight which is making you sore, and the more you think about it, the more you notice it everyday type of thing.
Seems like bruxism.
Thank you everyone for your replies yes my jaw seems tight & cheek bones / teeth are hurting , when I clench my teeth they really hurt , I’ve heard of bruxism , do think I should order some mouth gum guards ? Anyone used these ?
Are these helpful ? I’m desperate to get it sorted as don’t want to come off the sertraline tablets , they have been a lifeline in a very difficult personal time, otherwise no side affects at all from tablets , and they absolutely help with my panic attacks.