Merry Christmas everyone.
I feel like one difficulty most of us can relate to is just getting through the holidays, and I thought I’d be able to get through this one.
Tonight, was an emotional breakdown. Seeing my *now* fiancés family, seeing MY family.. I know it’s something I always vent I struggle with but today was probably one of the worst. I try to tell myself “you’re okay!!! You fit in just fine” yet I don’t believe it. Yet I hate being in my own skin. I hate being put on the spot, I hate making this failure of an effort to fit in. “Be yourself”, who knew a phrase could be so simple yet so difficult to accomplish. I don’t even know who I am anymore, and during the holidays I’m always reminded of the family I don’t have.
I swear, I’m so fucking grateful for what I do have (excuse my language). I swear I am. But I guess when your own father can’t even love you, when your own father manipulated you to think he loved you, taking advantage of you and making you STILL feel guilty for something he did, when blood doesn’t see any reason to stick around, it’s hard to believe you’re worth anything. It’s hard to figure out who you are, when your personality for years has relied on validation from others. Even being surrounded by a fiancée who loves me so damn much he cries with me, and begs me to tell him how he can help take the pain away. I can’t even take it away from myself.
The anxiety is so painful man, how can I be a fiancée, I can’t even be a normal human being who enjoys this type of experience. My fiancée swears we can get through it, he has more hope for me than I do and that hurts me even more because he’d do anything to see me okay living life happy with him and at this rate I’m not sure if I’m ever going to have that. I’m not sure I can give him that, because I don’t even know how I’m going to get through this life.