I get so freakin sad on holidays! Why????
Omg why are Holidays so Depressing - Anxiety and Depre...
Omg why are Holidays so Depressing
An anecdote with the hope it makes you feel better. I live in one of those politely called "developing nations" and i've spent the past 4 days in my dad's house in the countryside, where rats are the size of armadillos. On Wednesday about 10.30 pm I decided I'd had enough sneezing and began to clean the room with special cleaners... too bad there are two pipes that cross the room from first to second floor inconveniently placed on the corner of the room. I don't know why, but as soon as the broom touched the pipes, the smaller one gave off and it was a shower inside the room (that was the pipe that took water upstairs, the larger one (which remained in place) brings it down). I heard my dad shout from in front of his computer and had to give up on GOT to close the main water line outside the house, in a sector where there's poor light and plenty of vegetation, while calling me everything he knew. I was happy to be able to do that at the age of 39 and know for sure he wouldn't ground ground me afterwards. It only the following day that he could properly fix it. Happy Easter to me.
If it's not from family issues or other specific reasons, I find that it's the build up, the expectations, and then either the realization it isn't as expected or the other outcomes based on the build and expectations not happening sets up this type of feeling. I often feel this way after Thanksgiving and Christmas. I'm sorry to hear you feel this way though I think it's natural if that's any consolation. We put so much hope, desire, and thought into holidays, it can be pretty common to, unfortunately, get our hopes up.
For me, the holidays are difficult because my parents are no longer alive. Holidays are empty, and lonely.
I’m sorry to hear this Hollick.
Holiday times do feel lonely.
Today is the last day of the holiday ..thank goodness and it’s back to normal tomorrow
Sending good wishes to you xx
Holidays bring out the worst in everything and everybody. There are a plethora of reasons why. It should be just the opposite. But, your real friends are always here for you. Okay? Pm me and we'll talk all you want!
I did a similar post around the same thing...
It’s the expectations I think,
You are not alone x
It's a holiday that contains a Roman crucifixion as a defining characteristic. So the symbol of that can indicate a difficult time. Focus on the possibility of positive change. Head toward the light!