Can’t get out : Feel so broken Im so... - Anxiety and Depre...

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Can’t get out

33 Replies

Feel so broken

Im so sick of convincing myself this feeling won’t last long .. when really I’ve spent more of my life being stuck in deep depression than not .

I give up I can’t be positive anymore

33 Replies

Hey Hope, I know you’re so upset right now. I think we are all struggling so much today. Just allow yourself to rest today. You don’t have to fight. We are all here fighting for you. I am sending you so many good vibes & healing energy. I sure do love you. I am here if you need me. We can get through this. <3

in reply to

♥️ sorry to read your post too 😔 x we can !

NCAQuilter profile image

Sounds like you need to back off for a while, and regroup. I did that yesterday! And today is better; enough so that I can face some of my demons. This period of deep depression will pass. It always has in the past. Tie a knot in that hope, and hang on. I am sending you all the strength and hope I have. Please take it and absorb it, and feel better soon. We can talk, if you wish.

in reply to NCAQuilter

Thank you

Just can’t seem to stop crying

LovelySnow profile image
LovelySnow in reply to

Cry it out if you need to. We love you and are with you!

in reply to LovelySnow


NCAQuilter profile image
NCAQuilter in reply to

Like Snow said. Stand in the shower and cry it all away!

LovelySnow profile image

I hear you, Hope. Sometimes I can't remember what okay feels like. Like Mermaid said, we are here fighting for you. For each other. 💖💖💖

in reply to LovelySnow

You’re lovely 💕

LovelySnow profile image
LovelySnow in reply to

Aww, thanks, Hope.

tamka38 profile image

Please don’t beat yourself up, try to be kind to yourself and if u don’t feel like doing nothing than that’s ok rest and relax try to watch a movie or cry it out whatever u do don’t give up on yourself please I hope u feel better tomorrow and if u need someone to talk to am here for u

in reply to tamka38

Thank you Tamka 😢 💕

tamka38 profile image
tamka38 in reply to

You’re welcome

tamka38 profile image
tamka38 in reply to

How are u feeling today?

in reply to tamka38

I might have to go into hospital for my chest and sinus infection 😭

tamka38 profile image
tamka38 in reply to

Oh sorry to hear that. I hope u feel better soon. Can you go to urgent care? Please keep updated. I really want u to feel better

Strebbs profile image

I'm sorry. You're doing a great job wherever you're at in your struggles <3

in reply to Strebbs

Thank you that’s encouraging xx 💕

Strebbs profile image
Strebbs in reply to

You're welcome!!

JEG325 profile image

Hope. Pay close attention to your name. You chose it for a reason. Look, I'm a bit under it right now myself. But, I'm one stubborn cuss. I ain't letting my combination of problems derail my life. I have faith that you can rise above this. I will walk beside you as long as you need me. The rest of your friends here will also be beside you. There is strength in our numbers, unity in our numbers & love in our numbers too. But, the greatest of these is love.....I smile everytime I see your name. Because I know wherever you are, there is always Hope!

in reply to JEG325

Thank you it means a lot 💕

Starrlight profile image

Hope I’m here with you lovely lady.

in reply to Starrlight

An I am with you x 💕

Oh man I'm so sorry you're feeling so so down, stinks don't it? You have to fight the fight, I know draining, but well worth it. Don't give up, you can do this. Feed the positive into your mind, it does help. Look for the rainbow, it's there. Dump trucks of love, peace, light, joy & hugs just for you!

in reply to

It’s a bad rut this time 😔

Thanks xx 💕 your words give me light x

in reply to

Please keep the light! Love, peace, joy & hugs for you!

We are all here for you!!! i know exactly how you feel. just keep believing, one day we will see that light at the end of the tunnel, because its there, we are not meant to live like this.. one day we will be happy! sending lots of love and light

in reply to

Thank you x we’re in it together x

You aren't alone. Please don't give up hope. Depression is hard and maybe today you can rest your emotions. But I encourage you to try again tomorrow. You never know what tomorrow can bring.

JkBrauer profile image

Hello Hope,

I am so sorry you are feeling like giving up. Unfortunately, there is no fast fix for depression. But, there are things you can help to pull yourself up and out of despair. Every morning we have a choice to make ( I know easier said than done). We can choose to wake up somber, cranky, complaining... Or we can choose to be content and find something ( one good thing in the day and then two the next day, then three the third day...) Then, find some way to give of ourselves. How can we share and serve? Maybe just getting out and taking a small walk around the block or going to the coffee shop to get something to drink with a friend or family member. Go to a nearby nondenominational church and talk to a pastor. Maybe you need to start smaller than that and type out and tell your story...Working on healing depression is a daily walk in life. Personally, I chose to look up to Jesus Christ and ask Him for help, because I knew I could not and still cannot walk this path alone. Reading the Bible every day and praying for direction, discernment, and peace, love and hope keep me living a strong and purposeful life. I hope You can find hope in Jesus Christ as well. If, anything, try reading the book of John in the Bible and think about what you are reading and see if you can find hope in those words. I am praying for you!

in reply to JkBrauer

Thank you for your reply and advice I am feeling better today . I do have a faith but it’s not Christianity.

So thankful for your prayers!!

Take care 💕

JkBrauer profile image

I am glad to hear that you are feeling better. Keep holding onto faith! I hope you have a great and peaceful holiday season.

Take care!

in reply to JkBrauer

Aww thanks you too!!

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