Hey everyone.. it’s 11:30pm here and I’m so tired but I’m having a hard time falling asleep bc of my anxiety. I’m anxious, shortness of breath and thoughts racing. Does anyone have any advice on how they can relax enough to all asleep?
Having trouble sleeping :( - Anxiety and Depre...
Having trouble sleeping :(

I YouTube and distract myself, drink chamomile tea, journal. Talk to someone, usually I wake up my husband. Also tensing your muscles and relaxing them helps. Start with your shoulders then go down to your toes, tense each muscle group and hold for a few seconds then slowly relax that muscle group while laying down. Tell yourself you’re not trying to sleep just resting your eyes, that way you aren’t hyperfocusing on making yourself sleep.
That’s it lynnalice! I’m going to tell myself that tonight! I love it! I’m just resting my eyes 👀 Perfect! Thank you! I always feel a great deal of pressure about sleeping...
You’re welcome! I had insomnia for months and would always pressure myself to sleep and it didn’t work.
That’s where I am, I’m afraid!
I’ve had insomnia now for 9 months. It started when my sister went on Hospice care, 2 months prior to her death. 😔
Oh how devastating that must have been😔, and insomnia just makes life unbearable . Are you taking any medication? Ambien CR and Remeron both work on even the worst insomnia. They will knock you out, and you may still feel the effects the next day but you will sleep.
I like to listen to podcasts, books, or guided meditation. I use Spotify or Hoopla. It helps me! Taking a bath in Epsom salts helps my body relax too. Night is always the hardest time for me too. Hope this helps!
i read someplace that even laying in bed and resting is beneficial to the body and mind. Enjoying the quiet and stillness of the moment. Not having to do anything.

That's so true.
Thank you everyone ! I will try these things tonight! Nights are the absolute worst!
Avoid blue light, electronics, caffeine, alcohol, sugars, etc. a few hours before bed. Do something to tire or slow down your mind like reading. Exercise and diet are huge factors too, as well as setting a consistent bed time. Not sure how these apply to you specifically, but good general guidelines for sleep issues.
Just to put my two cents in here stay away from Ambien it’s a very bad drug but our brain naturally makes Melatonin and you can buy it in pharmacies over the counter You can take from 1 mg up to 10 depending on what works for you
They are chewable and they usually do not have an affect on you the next day
Your pineal gland produces that, and as you age that gland shrinks, gets calcified, and produces less and less. Melatonin does more than put you to sleep, according to new research it has a lot to do with how long you live and how well you fight of cancer and other diseases.
Just to put my two cents in here stay away from Ambien it’s a very bad drug but our brain naturally makes Melatonin and you can buy it in pharmacies over the counter You can take from 1 mg up to 10 depending on what works for you
They are chewable and they usually do not have an affect on you the next day
I would never take Ambien.. and I will try melatonin. I cut caffeine out of my diet months ago and I try to eat pretty decent. Nights are so overwhelming and sometimes I get so tired but my anxiety attacks come out of nowhere and prevent sleep