Been pushing through this day as much as possible and trying to keep myself busy. Also decided i need to start thinking about my diet and started taking supplements that used to help me alot before with my low mood and anxiety so hopefully they will help again this time. Going to take some time out for myself this evening with a long bubble bath and pamper myself a little just to see if that helps at all. Fingers crossed
Trying my best today: Been pushing... - Anxiety and Depre...
Trying my best today
Yes bubble baths help! I need to get a massage today- I'm tense and my neck and shoulders ache... I am starting to read more also on what to eat to feel better... I try to stick to government or national websites that have done studies vs articles or websites promoting products... Good luck, I think it's a good path to keep following !
I got through it before by just taking care of myself and watching what i ate and taking natural remedies which i prefer to do. I feel that seeing my doctor and just being given pills has never worked for me personally in the passed which i know they can help others but for me sadly they didnt they just masked the problem. I want to battle this problem head on and do what i feel is best for my body. I hope your journey becomes easier for you by making these small changes here and there. Good luck to u xx
sounds like a good plan to take time out for yourself rach....recharge the's important I think.
I really do need it. I think ive finally got to the point today where im not going to let this feeling control me anymore its not fair on myself and the mood i have around my 4 children. I going to push forward and try and stay as positive as possible.

if your also needing any professional help to sort this stuff out....that's okay also to do this for yourself. Self will is good for moving forward....but it won't address anxiety and depression that are due to a chemical deficiency....that's something else entirely that many of us here have to get help with.
I will without a doubt need help with the anxiety. I think once i get the panic attacks and feeling of just being scared all the time that will help alot with the depression.
I was bound and determined that I would never ever take any meds. I finally agreed to a low dosage and Im very glad I did!
Ive been on meds before and to be honest they didnt help me at all. I find talking and changing little things in my life help me alot more. I know they are wonderful for some people. I just really need to get the anxiety under control as that seems to be the thing the takes the biggest toll on my familys life, im no use to them at all when i cant even leave my home at times. Im going to speak to my doctor and see what he suggests along side trying more natural remedies and diet changes
What works for one person might not do the trick for another. You will find something(s) that helps you.
Enjoy that me time!!
I will try my best even if it only keeps me feeling that little bit happier for that time being thats good enough for me. Little steps at a time
Yes mam.