Does anyone know if it’s safe to take amoxicillin with apixaban?
Antibiotics with apixaban: Does anyone... - Anticoagulation S...
Antibiotics with apixaban

I can't think that it wouldn't be - I've had several courses since being on rivaroxaban, and they work similarly. Double-check with your dispensing pharmacist if you are doubtful.

Thanks, was prescribed but made mistake of looking at Google which wasn’t such good reading!
Well I hope its safe 🤣 I've had a few courses of antibiotics while I've been on Apixaban, not had to alter anything at all.
I'm sure it's fine, but always check with your GP or Chemist if your not sure or worried.
It is best to check with your pharmacist as others have said. I think there are only a small number of antibiotics that interact with blood thinners (eg. clarithromycin, erythromycin etc). Generally you have to be wary of taking other medications that affect clotting and bleeding like ibuprofen, and of medications that may increase or decrease the effectiveness of the drug.
I’ve had five courses of amoxicillin so far this year for an unrelated problem and there has been no interaction problems Apixaban at all. Don’t worry, check if you like but don’t stress everything or it will get you down.