AMN affects both men and women, but men have it more severe and at a younger age. ALD should have X-CALD, XDAMN, and X-Adrenal Insufficiency.
Should AMN be considered an X-linked dominant d... - AMN EASIER
Should AMN be considered an X-linked dominant disorder?
Hi, AMN is X linked! It's a mutation of X ALD
All the best
I believe artortega78 means an X-linked dominant classification rather than X-linked recessive, since females with X-linked dominant conditions are known to experience symptoms of the disease (however usually more mild than men). It seems that females with X-linked recessive conditions, even if they are symptomatic, are often still relegated to being "just a carrier."
However I believe there is more of a systematic different between dominant and recessive disorders, so I'm not completely sure if ALD could or should be classified as dominant.
Women have two X genes and usually one of these is unaffected by AMN. The X genes interact and the "good" one gives some protection from the effects of AMN. The interaction is very variable, so some women are badly affected and others have it mildly. Men have an X and a Y gene so do not get the help of the good X gene and are therefore more badly affected. Anyone with a mutated X gene will be affected and research is being done to try and explain why the effects are so variable.
I have often raised this as a qualification to the existing clear definition of recessive vs dominant. It is recessive as the functional X chromosome does the work of the mutated one. Otherwise you would have a 100% uptake