Hello fellow AMN'ers. Just wondering should we all be self isolating? I still work in a small shop but unsure what to do? I'd hate to lose my job but is it to risky still to be working?
AMN-covid19: Hello fellow AMN'ers. Just wondering... - AMN EASIER
My understanding is that we are more at risk. Especially if have Addison’s with it. I haven’t been able to work in a year or so, but am definitely not going to risk it. I would look at all you options. How many people you come into contact with, and are you able to distance from the ones you do? Also, are you able to wash your hands frequently and use hand sanitizer between then?
Like I've said before, any virus knocks me out. I ended up in hospital a year or so back with what was probably the 'flu. Weak as a kitten. They put me on an IV and I was OK.
That said, we got to earn. I have still heard no concrete promises from Boris Johnson on guarantees for workers who he recommends to stay at home.
My brother is a plumber (with AMN), his company offered him work exclusively at Coronavirus-infected homes for an extra £600 per month on his already healthy salary. He took it.
His wife works in a doctor's into the bargain.
NYC is not just self isolating right now, we are in lockdown with the goal of flattening the curve. No one should be commuting to work. You can venture out for food shopping, going for a walk and practice social distancing.
I'm sorry to report that many small businesses have shut and many people are now filing for unemployment benefits.
I don't know if we are more susceptible, but I do have comfort in not having to commute into the office via the subway.
I don‘t know your personal situation. If it is easy to get a new job after the pandemic, and get paid for the time you are without a job, it would not be that of a problem, because your health is more important than any job in the world.
If you have to continue your job, because I‘m not qualified to answer, if it is advisable to keep working (because there are for me too many unknown variables :)), I hope I could help you a little. The following information is all I could gather from the Internet. Probably there is no information, you already had known about:
• It’s a good idea for physically distancing (socially distancing sounds not well with me) yourself from others, if possible keep a distance from about one to two meters, maybe better three meters, but that is probably not possible, if you have to help customers.
• Wearing a FFP3 (3M) mask, I think, N95/N99 (not sure which one?) is another name for a good filter mask) would be, in my opinion, really helpful, tough the breathing is more difficult (maybe one can only wear it for few hours and then need to dispose it, because the filter breaks?) and these kind of masks are, as I heard, only for medical personal; risk patients don’t need them?
• Washing your hands helps reduce Sars-COV-2 from your hands with this method: nhs.uk/live-well/healthy-bo... .
• Antiseptics are, as I‘ve heard, also only for medical personal.
• Avoid crowded places and touching your face with your hands.
• Maybe you have a special disinfectant for surfaces, maybe they are also only for medical personal (?)—see this: bbc.com/future/article/2020...
• If you are able training the Immune System is, in my personal opinion, a reasonable prophylactic measure:
Avoiding anything that could weaken your Immune System: eat regularly and healthy (fruits, vegetables, ...), get enough sleep, avoid drinking alcohol, don‘t smoke, try to have not a lot of stress (if it is possible)
You could physically exercise a little at home to strengthen the immune system. A YouTube Video from this site (I think, it comes from the Insiders here :)), that gives advice for physical rehabilitation methods: youtube.com/watch?v=VnAoWJ5...
• And regularly ventilate the room you work in, so the number of Sars-COV-2 get reduced.
• Monkeybus wrote about being more susceptible for infections; he doesn‘t have Addison‘s Disease:
Read the section „What is a risk group“ of patient.info:
patient.info/news-and-featu... — see „Long-term neurological conditions ...“
ALD/AMN or Addison‘s are not listed. They probably might not know, because it‘s rare.
I hope this virus stays away from you and others.