This is a very new sensation for me, but I have a greater appreciation of EVERYTHING. Especially the little things. Whilst drinking a coffee, door wide open, I was suddenly overwhelmed with an appreciation for living in the deep French countryside. I imagine inside my house is a lot like yours, but merely going outside is like going on holiday. Whenever I want! I appreciate finally finding a girlfriend and someone who is cool with how I am, who has her own problems, we help each other. I really appreciate my dogs, they gave me something to look after that wasn;t myself, distracting me from my own problems back in the day. Plus all the cuddles, cuddles are good.
I have really struggled alone for over 3 years, especially the last 15 months since receiving diagnosis despite not being alone for the last 9 months. But I have accepted a lot I was fighting. It was a losing battle, and I think you are better to accept it than fight it. But the sun literally just has come out again after the winter and I am looking at a new life with great acceptance and appreciation. I feel I wasted a lot of time, despite achieving a lot in the 7 years before my wheelchair. Nowadays I still put on occasional concerts at my house, which honestly are a huge event for me. Staying up past 9pm is unheard of nowadays. I am only 37.
I am super happy I have found a place where I can write to people who get me. I am literally venting years of pent up feelings as I had noone to talk to, but hopefully its helping others make important necessary changes to their lives too. Learn to appreciate the little things.