I've just had a call from a gentleman on behalf of his brother who has AMN and is in his 40s. His brother lives in the Chester area in the U.K. (Nearest large city is Liverpool).
He asks if there is anyone on AMN Easier who might live in the area and could meet his brother to assist him in discussing the problems and symptoms of AMN.
Please respond if you live in the general area around Chester and might be wiling to meet this gentleman.
By the way, may I remind everyone here of the "People Near Me" function. It's under your profile menu at the top of the page. When you click on this, you can search for people near to you and specify a distance.
But, this is only useful if everyone registered here completes their profile and puts in their location. Remember, it's not publicly available and only specifies a general geographical location anyway.
Very best to all,