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Skin Treatments for Cancer Patients

saharwebb profile image
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As the body’s first line protection against sunlight, chemicals, and contagious germs, the skin is one of the parts of the body most generally affected by cancer treatments. The good news is that skin reactions are normally short-term and treatments are available to help dealing and fighting against these side effects. Sadly, most patients don’t receive the medical attention they require addressing them. The objective of cancer treatment is destroying or removing cancer cells. The most general treatments include surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. These can be given either alone or in merger.

Probable Skin Changes:

Radiotherapy changes skin and can appear and feel like sunburn. These comprise:




•Skin thinning

Chemotherapy may cause skin reactions. These comprise:

•More sunlight sensitivity

•Skin color change

•Nail changes

•acne like rash


It is essential to consult your treatment group if you feel skin changes. Not every patient treated will experience side effects. You might feel comfort consulting doctor and nurses about the treatment and probable effects.

Skin Treatments Available for Patients:

Radiotherapy Treatment:

The radiotherapy effect on the skin depends on most aspects. These contain dosage and radiotherapy strength, the treatment number, the place and if receiving other treatments like chemo. Skin cells damage is normally temporary. The chance of growing issues with the skin depends on the treatment. One must consult physicians and nurses on treatment and its side effects.

Chemotherapy Treatment:

Chemotherapy obstructs with the way body cells divides and multiplies them. Both healthy as well as cancer cells are influenced by chemotherapy. Cells that speedily split and develop are mainly affected. The skin is main part to be affected. These effects depend on the chemotherapy drug, the dosage and treatment duration and if having other treatments.

Immunotherapy Treatment:

Imiquimod cream (Aldara) is a new kind of immunotherapy treatment. It is applied for:

•Actinic keratoses

•Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) on the top skin layer

Imiquimod cream uses the immune system to fight cancers. This meaning it makes use of body’s natural defenses to kill the skin cancer cells. Imiquimod makes cells generate more chemicals like interferon and they demolish the skin cancer cells.

Photodynamic Therapy (PDT):

This is a comparatively new treatment type. It is another option to surgery. PDT makes use of a drug making skin cells light-sensitive. The part of skin requiring treatment is exposed to a special kind of light, and that destroys cancer cells. PDT is applied to treat basal cell skin cancers.

Laser Therapy Treatment:

Laser therapy might be used for treating superficial skin cancers and precancerous developments on lips. It includes putting a defined, intense light beam on the growth, which is later destroyed. It causes very minor damage to tissue nearby. There also is little bleeding, swelling and scarring included.

Biological Therapy Treatment:

This therapy uses the body's immune organism for treating skin cancer. Biological treatment is also known as immunotherapy. Imiquimod (Aldara) is a drug that could be inserted on skin helping the immune system to fight skin cancer.

Topical Treatments:

Sun-damaged skin can be healed by some drugs. These contain Tazarotene, Aldara, Solaraze and also Efudix. They are used on skin in the cream form and can assist preventing skin cancer development.

Caring for Skin:

There are stuffs can help lessening effects from skin treatment. Ensure you are eating healthy foods and drinking fluids. Some moderate exercise is helpful too. Examine the skin regularly for any indications of redness, swelling or uneasiness. Inquire the nurse at the hospital to illustrate this.

•Avoid tight fitting outfits.

•Put on cotton like soft fabrics. Avoid synthetic fabrics and also heavy wool

•Prevent extremes in temperatures like hot water bottles, ice packs, hair dryers

•Bath with warm water

•Gently pat the skin dry using soft towel; avoid rubbing

•Keep dry skin folds

•Confirm the doctor prior using soap, dio, deodorants, talcum powder, ointments or cosmetics on the operated area

•Defend the skin from sunlight

•Shaving in the treatment portion should only be done with an electric razor.


If you come across a cancer patient or survivor who has not yet consulted a dermatologist, here are some really effective skin care products advisable like Cleanser, Moisturizing Lotion, Baobab Oil, Sun Diffuser Sfp 25 and Balm. These cancer skin care products are organic, natural and free of chemicals and purposely formulated for the cancer patients and are made by cancer patients. These reliable lines of products avoid causing harm and can be used during any type of treatment. Maintaining safety in the sun is the most essential general advice. Most anticancer medicines and radiation therapy enhances the sensitivity to the sun, and studies have proved that skin cancer rates are greater in survivors. In most situations, good skin care and early interference are all that is required for achieving the best probable skin health.


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