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Atrial Fibrillation Support

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All posts for July 2022

QRISK2 cardiovascular disease 10 year risk score

I’ve just had my annual round of blood tests and apart from one result which cam...
Hidden profile image

any advice on choice of blood thinners please ?

unfortunately the Kardia mobile I bought ( thanks so much all of you for the adv...
smwdorset profile image

thank you for your understanding comments

Thank you for replying to the post does anyone else recognise this journey ...
Ewloe profile image
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Another slightly odd tip

So, after discovering that making myself sneeze stops AFib I have discovered an...
Kennyb1968 profile image

gained 15

yep 15 lbs,
JoDeeM profile image

AF and a low pulse

Hi Folks, I'm currently on the waiting list for my second ablation, the first...
Kendalghost profile image

Pace and Ablate

I had my AV node ablation yesterday and wanted to say thanks for the support on...
Tototcx profile image


Is Flecanaide the best drug for returning to nsr and does it have side effect...
trixie100 profile image

Question about beta blockers - see edit

Hi all you knowledgeable people out there - I have a question. I've been prescri...
Hidden profile image

does anyone else recognise this journey?

we have our heart event, our lives in flux but then we manage to get our head ar...
Ewloe profile image

Heatwave survivor!

I'm sure I wasn't the only one worried about the last two days gone by here in t...

Beta Blockers and Vagal Afib

So in a small comment on a blog a year or two ago I saw a doctor state that beta...
Hidden profile image


I have just been told that I will have to take Amiodrone followed by a cardiove...

My friend, bisoprolol

It can get a bad press on this forum at times, but I have to say that I think of...
Ppiman profile image

AF episode in the heat

I was afraid that the heat would affect my Mg - which then affects my heart. We...
CDreamer profile image

low blood pressure

Anyone had this issue?I have been on a calcium channel blocker for about three y...
Heartfelt46 profile image

Daily PACs about 2 and a half months post ablation

Hey folks. Just wanted to see if anyone else had an uptick in the number of PACs...
Golf1515 profile image

High temperatures and Bisoprolol

I hope you are all coping with this heat In France we have been in the high ...
Summerlily profile image

The Yo-yo of the blanking period

Hello All Just a little update . As you know I had a couple of Afib incident...
Lilypocket profile image

Extracts from 2020 ESC guidelines on stroke, flecainide & lifestyle

I just scanned this meaty document and took 25 extracts on principally 3 areas o...
secondtry profile image

Again not able to post replies!

Just tried to reply again but not able to. Actually it is quite warm (boiling h...
Desanthony profile image

Third episode of persistent AF in 6 months

I had a successful cardioversion on Christmas eve and then another one just 4 ...

AF U tube video

Morning everyone someone recently posted an excellent and informative u tube vid...
Suny1 profile image

Post-Ablation Afib Episode Causes?

I had my first cyro ablation in March after which I had a brief, 15-minute Afib ...
willec49 profile image

how long would you expect an ablation to be successful for.?

ive had an ablation 8 year's.ago. been fine . No meds since. very a...
howesgilly profile image

Head trauma. Should I stop Apixaban ?

Fell down the stairs. Hit the floor with the back of my head. Should I stop tak...
snak3eyes profile image


I am so thankful to those of you who wrote about the blanking period. I had nev...
DawnTX profile image

weight gain.

Good morning. I hope everyone is well... Has anyone experienced weight gain ta...
Elvis4 profile image

diuretics and dehydration in hot weather

Do people still take their diuretics when it’s really hot? One of my friends que...
LindaDaisy profile image

bisoprolol 1.25mg can cause serious problems in the elderly

my 91 year old grandmother who has atrial fibrillation, hypothyroidism and pern...
ben102011 profile image