I had a urine infection that led to a kidney infection , that led to me calapsing I was taken to hospital and treated with antibiotics for 2 day introvenously, then sent home with 7 day course, plus they said I had high blood pressure and now taking bisoprolol and apaxaban which really is not treating me very well since I've been on them
Urine infection led to kidney infection - Atrial Fibrillati...
Urine infection led to kidney infection

Welcome to the Forum !
Medications can require your system to adjust. Be patient and consult your doctor if needed. May want to google Bisoprolol and check the normal side effects.
Also, would be good to briefly share your afib history.
You will in time adjust - for me it takes a good 2 months but we’re all different.
My husband has recently had a lot of issues with infections of his bladder and kidneys. His urologist put him on Hiprex (methenamine hippurate). It’s stopped his infections finally. He was also rushed to hospital with the risk of sepsis hanging over him. He stayed for a week while they intravenously fed him antibiotics and tried to work out why he kept getting this. He was living in antibiotics which isn’t good and he was also developing stones. The Hiprex have stopped all that.
I also went onto Hiprex again for a month recently to ward off any UTIs. As a an I’ve had my share of them over the year and I’d been going to the toilet more often at night. This has all now settled.
Hiprex is available over the counter here in Australia. I’m guessing it will be for you too in the UK. Obviously check with your doc or pharmacist before taking them, if you decide you could benefit from them.
Oh dear Downsell.
I get these too. Know the symptoms.. off tummy. feeling wrong when you finish peeing.
I have Anozil-Clav on hand.
Best regime if you think - get the nurse to test straight away off the 1st or 2nd pee to the day.
Blood will show if kidney.
Be careful as my dear Mum in a care Home was not tested and 2 weeks in bed - the smell on her pad should have been diagnosis enough. And not given enough fluid - water and at 92 she died with me racing down the 4-5 hours to be with her as she was rushed to hospital.
I was told UTI to Kidney infection. Organs close down.
It was a month with flu so I did not go down. It was a monthly visit of several days.
Ask your DR for a forward dose to keep on hand. Drink plenty of water. Green tea is great.
Amozil alone, didn't kill the bugs.
Get a printout of your cultivated results. Then you know which ones you could use to get well.
Whist UTIs are draining Bisoprolol and all other Beta Blockers cause fatigue.
I stopped Biso... in December as BP went low. It could be your UTI which is causing the high BP. Mine does. Last episodes I restarted Biso along with Amozil-Clav and it went immdiately low 90/60.
So stopped the Biso. BP went normal with just Amozil-Clav. 133/79.
I take only CCB Diltiazem 120 CD early morning. which is dramatic controlling my H/Rate Day. Finally resolved my rapid AF from Biso only 156 down to 51 on 180mg to 51.
Too high even 1/2 dose so last 3 years 3 months on 120mg CD Diltiazem.
It is useful as it has in it an element of some BP control.
I found losing weight brought down my BP 7-8 kgs over time.
So now without Biso BP is 130-145 / H/Rate up from 60s to 80s.
My normal Night H/Rate is only 47avg bpm.. Metopolol which I said No to, was 24hr Heart Monitor tested and I was proved right with 186 avg H/Rate Day (breathless with no exertion because of sweating profusely during) and pauses at night with 47 at Night 2 sec pauses aftefr 1 year 5 months after stroke WAS NOT FOR ME.
So you can see that with me my rapid Af H/R cannot be controlled on BetA Blockers.
You, take care and take the time to report back what meds are doing to you.
An embolic Stroke with Rapid and Persistent in 2019 was caused by Papillary Thyroid Cancer. But I got no monitoring as follow up until I demanded a H/Specialist. The Dr on the Stroke Ward was an Endoclinologist. I didn't like her on my Thyroid Cancer Case. I am under the Surgeon.
Really my Triage Team should include a H/Specialist but it does not. I questioned a RAI Scan. It required me to have no thyroxine for 3 weeks and no iodine or little in my diet. But its made up of a Thyroid Team of surgeons including mine, Who sadly left in December he has retired.
Cheri JOY. 76. (NZ)
Years ago my mother in law had a bladder/kidney infection. She had no s ymptoms at all and we had o idea until she started saying weird things like hearing a baby crying all night, then there'd been a riot outside her house . We just thought she'd imagined something she'd seen on TV but when she s tarted to say the man on TV had told her to bring some of the rioters into her house we immediately rang her doctor. He took one step through the door and immediately said urine infection. Apparently in the elderly ( she was 93) the only sign can be hallucinations. She also had raised blood pressure which went down when the infection cleared up. I suggest you speak to your GP about your tablets and get your BP checked again.
Oh dear. Kidneys can get the bugs from the bladder if the initial infection is missed. Didn’t you feel any burning on passing urine as an early sign? The earlier treated the better as a kidney infection is much more severe.
Do you have AF, too?
Keeping blood pressure down is very important and there are many different treatments to try.
Hi I found that I was very tired on Bisoprolol and couldn't walk any distance. I changed to Atenolol and that suits me better.