Has anyone with PAF noticed that the episodes decreased with Mg supplements?
Magnesium supplementation: Has anyone... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Magnesium supplementation
It is so claimed by some. I have been taking Mg for years.
I'm pretty sure magnesium reduces my ectopics.
I take magnesium glycinate for more than a year now, but only 2×125mg daily. I can't tell if it helped since a lot happened in the last year, ablation being the biggest event. But the fact is that I started taking magnesium a week or so after my last afib episode and that was way back in December'23. So Im not sure if it had some effect. It didn't hurt my health that's for sure.
No afib coming up on a year - my mix every day
In one liter of water -
Taurine 8g powder – Nutricost Brand
Magnesium Chloride 500mg powder – Pure Brand
Potassium Citrate 1400mg powder approx. 1 ½ teaspoons- Bulk Supplements Brand
Beet Root Powder 1 Teaspoon – Bulk Supplements Brand
Celtic Salt - Just a pinch
My post on Reddit/AFIB
Best of luck
My Naturopath put me on Nutri Mega Mag Muscleze partnered with CoQ10 11 years ago - said he put all his patients on that. His reasoning being Mg relaxes & CoQ10 strengthens the heart thus improving the beat. I have continued with the CoQ10 albeit reduced the dose a tad and have stopped and started the Nutri more so. Coincidentally, I am restarting Nutri today after a longish break as my AF has changed pattern this year.
Mg Taurate appears to be quite a favourite amongst others here. The good thing about the Nutri mentioned above is that it contains a convenient mixture of the heart beneficial supplements including taurine, see ingredients.