Just a question I am on 1.25 mg bisoprolol as have bad reactions to all of my meds including bisoprolol which gives me palpitations have had no problems for months but last few days had a 4 hour of eptopics a nd multiple beats but since have had some chest ache not sure if it's the meds or the arthymia caused by the bisoprolol awaiting a call from cardio
Paroxysmal atrial fribulation - Atrial Fibrillati...
Paroxysmal atrial fribulation

Good afternoon
Thank you for your post on the Atrial Fibrillation support form.
Hopefully another member of the support forum could give you some advice.
We do have a booklet 'Treatment options for AF' you may find useful before speaking with cardio.
If you would like any further advice please contact us at
Kind regards
Hi Aprilla.
I think it is a wise move to speak to your cardio.
OK, my personal take is this. One thing before I type anymore - I am not a doctor. Your medic is the best person to give you advice.
1.25mg of Bis is a low dose. The eptopics might be a result of your med's but if you have been months without any but still taking Bis, they might just be part of your AFib and have happened anyway.
Your cardio knows your medical history and is the best person to help you with this. I suggest if you have any chest pain go to A&E right away.
Cardio know I have problems meds and it's not the answer but I use varying low dose of bisoprolol as every 3 to 4 weeks my palpitations apper when dose change they go and then come back I vary dose between 1.25 and 1 15 mg chest pain after heavy palpitations and chest pain new ablation in the new year
That sounds like the typical effect of the ectopics. I call mine "chest ache" and it can be under the left rib or into my back.
I also take 1.25mg bisoprolol but don't think the causes it - just the ectopics or AF.
Hey Steve that chest ache you you describe is describing what i have exactly. I wish someone could know how we cure it or what it is. I have read that palpitations which sound a bit diff are said to be harmless. I don't agree because as time is going bye my ticker starts to feel more and more. I think I would be better off without the drugs.Colin in NZ
From personal experience with multiple episodes of PACs/ ectopics off and daily for the past 4+ years I can say that very heavy episodes of ectopics can give me a chest ache under left ribs not acute pain per se but ache or discomfort. Mild ectopics not so much only if lots of runs and clusters of them. Can also trigger neck pain and indigestion effects for me.You should definitely check in with health professionals on this though as chest pain could be sign of other issues. Remember to keep a log of your ectopic episodes/ burden as could be useful for ep or cardio. Wishing you lots of heart stability