covid: no more for me. The last... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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4Pip profile image
44 Replies

no more for me. The last injection I have been fatigued and brain foggy ever since. Regret taking it

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4Pip profile image
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44 Replies
mjames1 profile image

I can't tell you how much Covid messed me up and I'm one of the lucky ones, because many were hospitalized and died. Even if the jab temporarily causes some fatigue or brain fog -- or even an Afib episode -- i'll take all of that over another bad case of Covid. That doesn't mean you necessarily have to take every single booster. But for those that think they don't need one, talk to some people who've had a bad case of Covid.


30912 profile image
30912 in reply to mjames1

Totally agree. My sister ended up in hospital with Covid. When I spoke to her in hospital I asked her if she had her jabs, she said "no because I listened to the anti-vaxxers but I wish I had them now". She was lucky that she made a recovery but it took her months. I lost my mother too. I sincerely wish those people who decide not to have their jabs the best of luck whilst they play Russian roulette with their lives.

Ppiman profile image
Ppiman in reply to mjames1

Well said. Throughout social media, there are, for whatever reason and motivation, small groups of people who keep posting in to raise red flags about covid vaccine side effects which, intended or not, induces fear in those who read them. This would be reasonable enough if they had personally suffered important effects, but many have not and merely relay anecdotes and hearsay. Also, the effect of such posts is to exaggerate any side effect problems that do exist as well - and such more importantly - by implication, to belittle the much more common and sometimes serious illnesses caused by covid-19 disease itself.

Our two neighbours, in their seventies, had covid last July and, despite being fully vaccinated, were ill for a month. Both were previously well and active and the husband was shocked by how severe it was and feared for his wife's health. Added to this, a friend's daughter, in her early sixties, is still being treated for covid-induced vasculitis, which destroyed some of her kidneys and initially reduced their function to 27%, improving only slowly thanks to regular steroid infusions. Another friend not yet 70, has recently had to resume daily steroids after a flare up of covid induced debilitating polymyalgia rheumatica.

If it is eventually shown that the vaccine is, somehow, implicated in any of this, rather than covid itself, well, that's for science to show not for anecdotes and hearsay to imply. A lot of research is ongoing looking at the effects of the disease and any potential effects from the vaccines and I am trusting and hoping this will, eventually, bear fruit.


Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to Ppiman

Science is showing it. There are papers coming out all the time showing the mechanisms by which the vaccine can damage the immune system. One of them is the LNPs which you do not get with an infection. It is very difficult to differenciate between the infection and the vaccine because the villain is the spike protein and that is in both. It might well be that the latest vaccine which does not include the original Wuhan variant is less problematic as the spike protein has mutated . There is also the question of batch variability and contaminants that are not being removed by the manufacturing processes. Also the vaccines really are not very effective. It has been shown right from the get go that their efficacy wanes within a few months and some of the boosters have had pretty low rates of efficacy to start off with. A vaccine that needs a twice a year booster forever is a failure.

Ppiman profile image
Ppiman in reply to Auriculaire

I have read many recent papers as I try to follow this and, as you say, there are plenty. I haven't yet read any that go further than offer possible scenarios in which the vaccine could cause disease (and, as you say, via free spike protein or "spikeoptahy" - which is a debunked idea so far as I can tell).

A vaccine that prevents covid from being more than an upper respiratory tract pathogen is surely not a "failure", though? What makes you say it is? The boosters are being offered to, and are presumably only needed by, the elderly and other, younger but immune frail individuals. It remains true, I gather, that even if a small proportion of those people needed hospital or, especially eventual ER, admission, then the health service would quickly become overwhelmed.


ozziebob profile image
ozziebob in reply to Ppiman

Please look at the recent Dr Campbell video titled "Japan data" for important research about the vaccine effects. Research that hasn't been undertaken in either UK or USA.🤔 Why not?

Ppiman profile image
Ppiman in reply to ozziebob

I have read a report of the data Campbell uses but I just dislike watching this man's videos. His style makes me cringe and would, having been a teacher of the subjects, make a good example for Media Studies' or linguistic's students to analyse for his rhetorical and emotive techniques.

The data, as I recall, shows that there is a possibility that the third mRNA injection might be related to certain cancer increases, but also that these might more likely be caused by the infection itself. Japan's population is unusual in being an ageing one and the data seems to be related to this, also.

Do you know differently? Have I misunderstood the paper's conclusions?


ozziebob profile image
ozziebob in reply to Ppiman


The title suggests the results are age-adjusted ... and the results are vaccine caused, not virus caused.

"Increased Age-Adjusted Cancer Mortality After the Third mRNA-Lipid Nanoparticle Vaccine Dose During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Japan"

Not sure it's helpful to attack Dr Campbell's personal mannerisms and style, surely it's the content that matters.


Ppiman profile image
Ppiman in reply to ozziebob

Hi Bob

I've found this recent study, and found it interesting in light of the study you linked to. If you search for: "Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Cancer Death Locations in Japan: An Analysis of Excess Mortality Through February 2023 Shuhei Nomura".

What do you think?


ozziebob profile image
ozziebob in reply to Ppiman

Doh! Let's keep our eyes on the prize my fellow truth seeker.

On Dr Campbell's YouTube channel, Professor Angus Dalgleish (Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, Fellow of the Royal College of Pathologists, Fellow of Medical Science) has occasionally been describing his experience with the increasing rate of cancer recurrence among his patients and the link to the Covid vaccine. See the recent "Essential T cells" where he discusses the recently observed changes in cancer presentations and deaths. Some of the discussion considers the research paper noting excess cancer deaths in Japan.

Professor Dalgleish is a highly experienced doctor, physician, medical teacher, medical author and researcher with over 500 primary research publications. He was also a pioneering researcher into HIV/AIDS.

PS. I have no links or conflicts of interests in referring to the testimony of Professor Dalgleish.

Ppiman profile image
Ppiman in reply to ozziebob

It is worrying to read his claims, as it is to read claims from people such as Colleen Huber; and yet, counter claims from many equally educated people suggest if not that they are wrong, but that they are misinterpreting causes and effect evidence they are using.

It must be fair to say that that the jury is out regarding the overall safety of covid vaccines and of mRNA vaccines in particular but that many genuinely learned experts claim the fears are unfounded. As for the likes of Campbell, Brigden, et all, for me they have foolishly sullied their copybooks too much and too often to be any longer credible.


Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to Ppiman

It is the spike protein that attaches itself to the ACE 2 and other receptors in order to get into various types of cell. In what way has this been debunked? The Omicron strains of covid are nothing more than an URT infection for most people. Elderly and frail individuals have always been at risk from colds(including those caused by previous corona viruses) ,flu and RSV . There is a new epidemiological study out using data from Pescara in Italy that concludes that vaccination leads to loss of several months of life . You can read about it on Prof Fenton's substack.

Ppiman profile image
Ppiman in reply to Auriculaire

What has been debunked (to my knowledge) is that the covid vaccines lead to this happening.

The report from Japan regarding excess cancer deaths is, on the face of it, worrying. But wouldn't you agree that such work needs reviewing by people who know what they are doing?

I'm out of my depth on such statistics. One possibility that occurred to me was that what the doctors have uncovered in the study is down to covid itself and the various ways we tried to mitigate it. The way the healthcare profession reacted to the appearance of covid-19 clearly caused very significant changes in the way people sought treatment, were diagnosed and were treated. Perhaps the increase in excess deaths in Japan will prove to be the result of this, especially in an ageing population who likely most feared becoming infected with covid and, as a result, avoided or were unable to gain diagnosis or treatment?

Time will tell.


Ppiman profile image
Ppiman in reply to Ppiman

If you search for this study:

"Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Cancer Death Locations in Japan: An Analysis of Excess Mortality Through February 2023 Shuhei Nomura",

You'll find a different explanation of excess cancer deaths in Japan.

What do you think of this?


Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to Ppiman

Well you are wrong about it being debunked. Autopsy of people who have died after vaccination has found spike protein in various organs particularly heart and epithelia where it has got to because the LNPs distribute the mRNA with the instructions for making it around the entire body ( this was shown in Pfizer's own biodistribution studies). These people had not had covid even without knowing as it was spike protein only that was found and not proteins from other parts of the virus which would have been present if they had been infected.I too am out of my depth with statistics but I would not dismiss out of hand the conclusions of a leading statistician and mathematician like Prof Fenton who has been saying for years that the observational studies which purport to show a benefit from the vaccines are garbage . He is not the only one. There are many scientists with perfectly good credentials who have refused to toe the party line on covid and the vaccines since the get go. Finally their voices are being heard more widely.

Ppiman profile image
Ppiman in reply to Auriculaire

I write this post with the slight elation that comes from my Apple Watch showing NSR having returned after three hours.

I also write knowing that I am, essentially, largely ignorant of what the "spike" protein is or what it does pathologically. However, my reading around this does suggest that this potentially virulent protein, when delivered via the covid vaccines, has, thus far, been shown to be safe. I have also read the word "debunked" in relation to the idea of "spikeopathy" used in several places.

If you want what I feel to be a good source for this kind of information, there is a clearly learned and wise professor who writes on the Internet and Twitter / X and this is he:

"Friedemann Weber ("

I hope (and suspect) that those who are writing in here implying that Pfizer is in league with Satan, and that Armageddon is nearer than previously forecast are worrying overmuch at present. I shall keep looking at the data but I live in hope that we can still keep looking on the bright side of life for a little longer.


Cavalierrubie profile image
Cavalierrubie in reply to Ppiman

Whilst there are always two sides to the story, and l appreciate what you are saying with regard to the terrible effects of Covid, l would just like to say that you are one of the lucky ones that has not had any side effects from this vaccine. If you had suffered with them, as l have done and still doing so, you would be speaking in different tongues, believe you me. I will not give you any horror stories, but personally and from my experience l will never have this vaccine again. The unfortunate people who have had terrible adverse effects have a right to a voice, as it needs to be said, hopefully, without any intention of scaremongering.

Tomred profile image
Tomred in reply to Ppiman

hi, Ppiman, i have a number of friends and friends of friends who were jabbed and have had injuries including arrythmias etc. i take that as science, not some government minister , who will change things like the ONS who will suddenly change the criteria for reporting on excess deaths.

Ppiman profile image
Ppiman in reply to Tomred

Well, I agree - personal experience is very important. I don't know anyone who has suffered badly following the vaccination, only people who have suffered with covid-19 itself.

I do not doubt that some have (and perhaps far more than occur after other vaccinations given the vast numbers who have been given the covid vaccines). I know, though, that the shingles vaccine, for example, and indeed the flu vaccine, does cause severe side effects in a few of the people who have had them.


Cavalierrubie profile image
Cavalierrubie in reply to Ppiman

The difference here is that there exists a “Long Covid Vaccination Syndrome.” This cannot be brushed under the carpet or covered up because there are now too many of us. People have lost their lives because of this vaccination. Perhaps not as many who have died of Covid, but still too many. That speaks volumes to me and instantly brings to mind is the Covid vaccination safe? This hasn’t happened with the shingles or flu vaccinations. I was extremely pro Covid vaccination in the beginning of this plague, but looking back at the vaccinations l have already had and the illnesses that followed, l regret ever putting my trust in this country’s health system and letting them put this toxic substance in my body. I think much more will be revealed in the future.

Ppiman profile image
Ppiman in reply to Cavalierrubie

The internet is a good way to bring sufferers together and to expose the numbers but these cannot surely even begin to approach the suffering or death from the illness itself. If they do, then there is something strange indeed happening and I would have surely expected such a thing to have become apparent to many people, not least to the medical community who see ill people.

One problem is associating an illness with a cause and that most people will have also had covid itself. We know from personal experience that covid is not always identified as the cause of any ensuing illness (although the same can surely be said of a illness that follows the vaccine).

I have had my own ideas that, in some people suffering "long covid", the vaccine could bring them to develop a more serious illness or a "flare up" of an existing auto-immune or inflammatory condition. This seemed to be the case with our friend who never fully recovered from covid she had in the spring of the year she went on to develop vasculitis, which was quite soon after being given her booster. There seems no medical doubt that it was covid the caused the vasculitis, but I have wondered what role the vaccine played in making this worse.

Hopefully research and - more likely as is so often the case - legal cases will bring more information forwards.


Tiburon profile image
Tiburon in reply to mjames1

Do you think the Covid jab will protect you against Covid infection?

Jackiesmith7777 profile image
Jackiesmith7777 in reply to mjames1

Def no more for us we only had first two. Might be coincidence but hubby hs since had stroke and brother in law heart attack

babs1234 profile image

ditto. No more for me. I blame the vaccine for my AF

Thomas45 profile image

I'm booked in for mine at the end of the month. I've had every jab going with no side effects, save a sore upper arm for a couple of days.

Alan1947 profile image
Alan1947 in reply to Thomas45

Same here. We need more comments from people who are happy with the Covid injections to balance the ‘wouldn’t touch it’ posters. Tens of thousands have had it with no ill effects.

Ppiman profile image
Ppiman in reply to Alan1947

I think it's many millions who have had the vaccine with no significant side effects.


pusillanimous profile image

The Government here in South Africa seems to have forgotten all about it, I had my two initial Pfizer ones and then a booster a year later. The uptake of the vaccine was very poor among the population ! Now all the places that were administering it have closed, there is no mention of cases, I really don't know if perhaps herd immunity has inadvertently worked - who knows !

CDreamer profile image
CDreamer in reply to pusillanimous

I think that has happened in many countries simply because there is no testing or clear evaluation so how could you possibly collect good data?

Hindsight is a wonderful thing but had I been blessed with it, I wouldn’t have had one vaccine but we were all so fearful about this new plague that we thought it would help. The real efficacy or harm caused by all of these vaccinations won’t be evident for at least another 20 years and until it has been researched by those independent of Pharmaceutical funding - just my personal opinion.

Tiburon profile image
Tiburon in reply to CDreamer

Well said. I feel the same way.

mrgwair567 profile image
mrgwair567 in reply to Tiburon

Fear was a catalyst. We were afraid not to have vaccine! No more for me!

Cavalierrubie profile image
Cavalierrubie in reply to CDreamer

I agree too. Well said as always.

Ppiman profile image
Ppiman in reply to CDreamer

Well said - but what do you feel about this who suffered severe covid, and indeed, the many who died from it?


secondtry profile image

I was in Parliament Square yesterday to support MP Andrew Bridgen, he talked in the chamber and then joined the demonstration re the level of excess deaths. For those interested and in particular considering further jabs

secondtry profile image
secondtry in reply to secondtry

Sorry that link is not working?? But search YouTube 'Dr John Campbell' and select the episode called 'Outrageous'.

localad profile image

the % chance of the side effects listed in the vaccine information leaflet was enough to make me decide to take the’russian roulette’ path of random chance of getting covid !

For example 21 of those triallists got Bells Palsy from their jab.

Mind you thats the same rate (1 in a 1000) as serious complication from an ablation and i agreed to 3 of those !

Considering so many various side effects were noted in the 21,000 that did the release trial, I’m amazed it got released!

Murdy1 profile image

Good decision!

Beater profile image

I am one of the unlucky ones. Had 2 jabs and poof open heart surgery just months after being all cleared. Suddenly chest pains and in surgery 2 weeks later. 2 more jabs after surgery not realizing. 3 years later and I am still bedridden and probably not going to make it. I regret getting jabs and surgery. Covid has taken my life and I never even got it. There are many victims of the jab including my poor spouse is family who have had to watch my very painful decline.

Cavalierrubie profile image
Cavalierrubie in reply to Beater

”Covid has taken my life and l never even got it.”

Thank you for sharing your courage Beater.

Beater profile image
Beater in reply to Cavalierrubie

Thank you for your support.

mrgwair567 profile image
mrgwair567 in reply to Beater

I’m so sorry to hear this!

Beater profile image
Beater in reply to mrgwair567

Thank you. ❤

solarjdo69 profile image

I'm "one of those." I haven't had ANY vaccines since 1982 and somehow I am magically alive. I have had covid, but merely a bad flu. I DO take D3, zinc and many other herbs, vitamins so I have a robust immune system.

A brother-in-law (aged 72) took the vax and after second shot he woke up one morning and spoke word salad. No one knew what he was saying. Went into hospital and had brain swelling . In hospital for 2 months.

Sisters youngest son (aged42) perfectly healthy other than a smoker. About 2 weeks after #2 vax, sitting on front porch on Sunday. Neighbor waved and they usually exchange pleasantries, none from the son. About an hour later the neighbor concerned, walked up to the son and found him dead. Died of a heart attack.

Friend here in California got 2nd vax and she developed an autoimmune disorder. She was fine pre-vax.

I have heard many a story similar. And what about all these sports people who die suddenly and/or collapse on field? Shouldn't be happening.

No vaccines for this guy. Eat good foods, take some inexpensive D3, etc.. and you should be OK.

Wilding1 profile image

I’ve had all vaccines offered and will continue to do so. No side effects at all.

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