Morning all.Advice needed please.I have a CV scheduled on 13th Nov at about the same time my booster jab should be.I have tried bhf for advice but the nurse I spoke to couldn't help me.Should I try and have it before bearing in mind I have a covid swab 3 days before and self isolation after till the procedure. I'm just concerned if I have it after it may kick me back into a f.Timing couldn't have been worse.The past 2 jabs have caused my heart to react.Thankyou.
Cardioversion and covid booster. - Atrial Fibrillati...
Cardioversion and covid booster.

From what you've told us Ethel, I'd definitely have the jab well before your CV.
Hi Jean trouble is it's 6 months tomorrow since I had my 2nd jab and I still can't book it for another week.grrr
For very different reasons, we wanted to have our booster jab as soon as possible after the 6 month period and like you, we were unable to make an online booking. We just turned up at the vaccination clinic with all our documents and they were happy to oblige with no problems at all. Certainly worth trying and suggest you take your CV appointment details as well. Good luck

Good idea FJ.
I don’t believe in queue jumping but the centre was very slack, I think they were pleased for something to do 😉
I agree with flapjack go to the clinic with your CV appointment and your prescriptions and ask for help , it is not question jumping it is a sensible phased approach to your treatments
I would try and get it before. I had my booster on Friday and it flattened me for the weekend and sent the pulse all over the shop. I'd had AZ for first 2 but this was Pfizer.
This is one of the reasons why I’m not having the vaccine ☝️
I have had various reactions from typhoid, tetanus and flu jabs over the years, even prior to AF so it's not just the Covid jabs. As always, its risk and reward. Having seen how ill friends have been with Covid, one even died, I'm prepared to try and reduce my risk......... same as taking anticoagulants to reduce my stroke risk.
I’m on your side. I think you should be able to make your decisions as I should be able to make my decisions. I struggled to be convinced about whether to have an ablation. I finally did. But I wasn’t demonised for it n
Personally I’ve seen more friends suffer since having the vaccine
Evening all.Update on booster jab.Gp advised me to have it before CV so had it today.Yay.Waiting for the sore arm now.