Covid and the heart presentation - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Covid and the heart presentation

Letofeyd profile image
22 Replies

Here is a link to a Fb post that came my way to a presentation on the effects of Covid on the heart.

My AF was drastically increased by Covid 19 infection. I live in BC, Canada, where a group of physicians here is working to get more science-based information out there in the public domain, and to secure better public health mitigation responses as the next wave of Covid hits.

I thought people here might find it interesting and informative.

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Letofeyd profile image
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22 Replies
FraserB profile image

Hi Letofeyd, thank you for the video link. Interesting the cardiologist mentions that he sees atrial fibrillation “all over the place” in those getting Covid 19 virus compared to before Covid. I’m 68 years old and have AFLUT/AFIB but have yet to have had Covid. I’ve always worn a K95 mask when in public since they were available two years ago and still do. Even though I am usually the only person these days wearing it. Covid will never disappear and I do know it could easily be in my future. Some get it briefly and do not have any further health problems, but others not so lucky. This doctor see the later group and knows first hand what it can do especially with re-infection. Science based is important.

Outsidethelines profile image

Thank you, I look forward to watching this. I’m pretty sure I’ve had Covid three times now (the first time was in early 2020 before testing was available) and it was nasty - but it didn’t appear to affect my heart, despite having existing PAF. Two days after my first dose of vaccine, however, my heart went crazy, and I blacked out and fell downstairs. After which, my bouts of AF became noticeably worse and more frequent. More worryingly, my previously very fit and healthy 31-year-old son blacked out in the clinic after receiving his first dose of vaccine, and went on to suffer bouts of AF and tachycardia for several weeks afterwards. Back then, his cardiologist pooh-poohed the idea there was a connection but I’m quite prepared to believe that both the disease and the vaccine can affect the heart. It’s good to hear that some medics at least are becoming more open minded.

Icecreamforme profile image
Icecreamforme in reply to Outsidethelines

The following is my opinion, and I am not offering medical advice.

It seems the spike protein is the toxic element. Getting Covid causes a temporary rise and illness, getting vaccinated does the same, but in some individuals this manufacture of the protein seems to have become permanent. The vaccine did not stay in the injections site, it did travel throughout the body, it has inoculated these distal sites, including the heart, it has led to autoimmune like disease, it is not effective (never stopped infection) it never reduced transmission, and is certainly not safe, so much so the ONS changed the way it counts excess deaths this week so that the horrendous excess death figures are melted away.

If I seem bitter - yes I am. I held a commercial pilot’s licence for 30 years up until getting vaccinated. I had twice yearly ECG and medical for the licence - all good. After that experimental jab… severe leg pains, 3 weeks of nose bleeding, shingles, shortness of breath and final issue bringing me to this site, sudden mitral valve problems necessitating open heart valve repair. In a previous job as a biomedical scientist I knew how to, and did my own research. This vaccine is the most cataclysmic atrocity ever committed by governments against its peoples and now they seek to cover up their crimes and hope to bury the information in the massaging data and for example in France they are passing laws to make it a criminal offence to even call into question the safety of vaccines - huge fine and up to 10 years in prison. Nothing to hide, eh?

Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to Icecreamforme

The law against against "derives sectaires" here that has just passed does indeed have a clause that could be interpreted to criminalise criticism of vaccines ( or indeed any other pharmeceutical intervention) at a stretch .I believe that any attempt to interpret it in this way will be met with a great deal of resistance. The primary goal is to limit the ability of alternative health practitioners to influence patients to stop taking prescribed medicine ie substitute a raw food diet for their chemo treatment. I believe that there is still a possibility for the Conseil Constitutionel to rule that this clause is unconstitutional as it limits freedom of speech. Given how they ruled over the vaccine passports I'm not holding my breath though!

Ppiman profile image

I find this interesting, but worry that there's a suggestion in some posts that the Canadian government has lied or misled the people. That rings of a. conspiracy theory mindset to me.

The latest research is freely available to all, thanks to the internet. Much is ongoing but there's a good deal of fascinating cutting edge scientific work being done. From what I have read, and it is fascinating, it seems to show that the incidence of heart conditions caused by covid-19 is real for certain but not, give the high overall incidence of the infection in the population, so very high. It's still a lot of people, of course, given how common covid-19 is.

Most people who catch covid-19 do not get prolonged issues though, and the vaccines have been proven to be helping this a great deal. But this still leaves a lot who do have problems, e.g. "long covid". I know of three people with worrying conditions all caused by one or other kind of vasculitis. One seems to have been made worse by a booster jab, too, worryingly.

My worry is that the internet and social media can work negatively to magnify the issue, however. It works to "pool" sufferers' posts making an issue seem more common than it statistically is, and can even encourage radical and cynical mindsets (i.e. conspiracy theories).

From what I can read, the issue with covid-19 is because it is a spike protein virus that can cross the blood-brain barrier as well as enter and multiply within cells that (it is believed), naturally express an enzyme called ACE2. We all have these cells, it seems, as they are natural. In some, maybe many, people, there seem to be far more of them on certain major organs. Being overweight and having a particular kind of fat seems to increase them, as does having high blood pressure, diabetes and certain inflammatory conditions. These are all the people deemed to be most prone to getting a more serious form of covid-19 and who most need to be vaccinated to protect them.


Singwell profile image
Singwell in reply to Ppiman

This is my understanding too re the ACE2 receptors, which is why in the first awful wave of COVID here they treated people with Ramipril.

Ppiman profile image
Ppiman in reply to Singwell

That’s a good point and I’d forgotten that. The health service were desperate in those days not knowing where it would lead. And even now, we still don’t truly know.


secondtry profile image

Most independent and I believe trustworthy sites covering this and more are 'FLCCC' in the States and in the UK 'The World Council for Health'. Health is going through dark times with I understand more to come so I will be putting together a note (probably ready in 6 months) on detox for both Covid and C-jab for my family drawing on as reliable sources (not influenced by commerce) as I can find.

CDreamer profile image
CDreamer in reply to secondtry

I would be very interested to read that. I understand you might not want to post but be grateful if you could PM your thoughts?

secondtry profile image
secondtry in reply to CDreamer

Always happy to provide information from trusted sources, hopefully ready before the end of this year.

in reply to secondtry

Sounds interesting! I'd like to see that too.

secondtry profile image
secondtry in reply to


Singwell profile image
Singwell in reply to secondtry

Count me in too.

secondtry profile image
secondtry in reply to Singwell


Steve101 profile image
Steve101 in reply to secondtry

Count me in too

secondtry profile image
secondtry in reply to Steve101

Sure, the timetable will be dictated by how soon trusted information with a track record becomes available. I will be putting a layman's guide together asap as currently it is looking like it is urgent.

Steve101 profile image
Steve101 in reply to secondtry

Many thanks - look forward to seeing it

Only use well accredited evidence from trusted organisations

There’s lots of rubbish out there purporting to be evidence based

theonethatgotaway1 profile image

Yes I hear that the spike protein is the damaging element from Covid including the spike protein that is created by the vaccine from the MRNA coding.

I honestly don't understand how anyone would want to put this new technology into their bodies with short period of research. I mean, it would not be allowed under usually laws, only those emergency laws that they put in place. Okay. Yeah I get that people were living in fear and felt they had little choice and some were forced. Regardless both the virus and the vaccine have been found to have drastic effects on the heart. I know this from covid itself.

Steve101 profile image

My thoughts:

By its nature everybody that draws breath will be exposed to COVID, either through vaccination or infection.

So for me the issue is, are the vaccinations more harmful than being exposed naturally?

If vaccinations are more likely to have a long term impact on the heart than a natural infection then point of concern. If conceiving covid naturally is likely to cause the same damage to heart then where is the increased risk of vaccination?

Having said all that I will not have any more booster jabs. COVID is now endemic, I will rely on natural immunity going forward

I would like to see some balanced evidence based information.

Rosie0202 profile image
Rosie0202 in reply to Steve101

I only developed atrial fibrilation after having the first covid jab which made me very unwell for a month. I had a further 3 jabs and after the last one in October 2022, I have been in permanent atrial fibrilation. Having been told I had a 'healthy heart' I now have an enlarged heart, some lung problems and other heart related issues. Plus stomach problems and now tested positive for Rheumatoid factor. I can't possibly believe that this is all a coincidence and has come on with age. Until the jabs, I was healthy and attending the gym regularly. Now I have shortness of breath and have been sent for 2 CT scans on the thoracic area and lately cardiology perfusion scans have been booked. I only wish that the powers that be would be truthful in owning up to the damage the vaccine has had on us. I also was jabbed in the wrong area and have problems with my arm and neck after the last jab which physio has not resolved. I wake up in the night with my hand completely numb and extreme pain in my lower back. Anybody had this too.

Silky57 profile image
Silky57 in reply to Rosie0202

That’s just awful. I’m so sorry you’ve had to endure this Rosie.

Steve101 profile image
Steve101 in reply to Rosie0202

I am truly speechless!

You have been dealt a bad hand. With you all the way, what we need is some honesty. All those people that refused the vaccination may well be proved to be right.

I really hope that your health improves. It’s not fair.

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