For the last few months, I have been suffering from low ferritin levels and wondering if it could be caused by Edoxaban. I take a course of iron tablets, feel okay for a few weeks and then it starts again. Just wondering if anybody has also experienced this.
Blood thinners and ferritin levels - Atrial Fibrillati...
Blood thinners and ferritin levels

I was diagnosed with low ferratin on a hospital visit and had an infusion the next week. If you have low ferration it means,I was told, your iron reserves in your liver are too low.I felt very well after the infusion. It is a very simple procedure and it was done in the geriatology dept of my local hospital.It was not said to be related to low anticoag. level. I take Apixaban with no problems.

Good Morning
I would advise speaking to a pharmacist, they have a great knowledge of medications and deal with many medications on a daily basis. They may be able to answer your question about whether there is a link between Edoxaban and your ferritin levels.
I can also recommend our Edoxaban information sheet available to download from our resources tab on the AF Association webpage:
A knowledgeable pharmacist is a very rare animal:). Like almost extinct. Unfortunately. Majority will read a leaflet info and will never brave enough to recommend anything outside doctors protocols. In the last 15years I met only one decent pharmacist who knew his job well and was experienced enough to talk to. He unfortunately retired last year(.
Spatone is a gentle, natural, easy digested form of iron. Just water in sachets that is high in natural iron accumulated by filtering through rocks. Available in pharmacies.
I found these useless will really low levels as a prescription dose was needed to get things back to a normal.
You can take 2 daily which is 10 mg. Too much iron in one go can be toxic. I didn’t know this till recently but iron recycles in our system.
I am not on Edoxoban
sorry that was addressed to the OP. I will delete and then repost..
The Edoxoban itself will not cause low ferritin , but depending on your ferritin levels -- now and historical-- and medical history, a complete GI work up -- colonoscopy and endoscopy-- is often the next step to rule in/out GI bleeds as the cause of low Ferritin. How is your hemoglobin holding up? Are you on PPI's? Sometimes medication, especially PPI can interfere with iron absorption.
I was just told today that my ferritin levels are low but hemoglobin is ok (so not anemic). Never had a problem with low ferritin levels until past several months where levels have been getting lower. Was put on iron supplement 36 mg daily. Have been on Xarelto for 10 months and wondered the same as you.
I presume that your GP prescribed the iron tablets. What do they say and have they suggested further tests?
GP did prescribe. After the course of tablets my ferritin was good. Now feeling rough again and blood tests booked for 2 weeks time. GP says she will then prescribe more tablets if ferritin is low. She doesn't seem concerned about any underlying cause. I also have long covid and vertigo.
Oh that makes a nice mixture. Hope they can sort it out for you. My wife had a year of prescription level tablets before she got back to normal - ufortunately there was an underlying reason which was not looked into at the time but was found a few years later, Sorted and not had any problems since. I had this early on along with my AF diagnosis only needed 3 months on iron tablets from Doc but was investigated and found to have polyps which were bleeding and aggravating the situation. It's happening again - though my blood is OK at the moment but noticing blood on loo paper now and again. Having a colonoscopy on Friday when I think they will probably find some more polyps to sort out, it's something that seems to run in our family, my Mum, Dad, Sister, Brother and one Son all had/have problems from polyps. It's good we get checked regularly as they can check for early signs of bowel cancer which two of my grandparents died of - one on both sides of the family. I count myself lucky to have got as old as I am with so few problems in that area.
Vitamin B12 is very important for iron absorption. It is one of those vitamins that aren’t absorbed easily and only in the last portion of the small intestine. This means that tablets aren’t successful.
After a series of problems I now have a quick and easy injection of B12 every 3 months at my surgery.
Definitely worth getting your B12 levels checked!
Good luck
Your GP should be investigating WHY your ferritin is low. Many different things can cause it as they will only go low if you are losing blood or something else is malfunctioning.