Recent numbness in right arm and face. 10 minute duration. Bloodwork good. CT and CTA good. MRI with contrast good. Holter 48 hr. Good. No AF since first episode in 1994. Recent Echo Of Heart and Carotids. Good. Ironically, discussing stopping Flecainide and this happens. Has anyone taken Flecainide for many years and stopped?
Tia Stroke: Recent numbness in right... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Tia Stroke

What anticoagulant are you taking?
None. Not in AF.
Mr. Robert,
I have reviewed your CTA of your head which is the vessel imaging. Everything looks great! There are no concerns with the blood flow in your vessels and no sign of any aneurysm. From Neuro/Stoke doctor
Last scan. All clear.
OK so why were you taking flecainde, Sounds like you have been lucky.
Has your Doc explained why you’re still on Flecainide but not an anti-coagulant. I’m taking it that the Flecaininde is due to diagnosis of AFib and it’s there to control the arrhythmia which by the sound of it is working well - is there a reason for not being on anti-coagulants since you still have AFib (even though episodes not occurring or you’re not aware of episodes occurring)
I am going to ask the same question when I visit my Cardiologist next week. My internist has been asking the same also. If not stopping perhaps a reduction in the flecainide.
Hi, I am currently titrating Flecainide in monthly increments. I have been on it for 5 years - 150mg a day; currently at 4 years with no episodes. So far, so good, now down to 100mg.
After this, that control, will be via PiP - doses of 100mg Flecainide and 2.5mg Bisoprolol. If needed.
Anti coagulation was removed too, a few years back, primarily because I was under threshold for it and very stable. It was recommended initially as a precaution after my PAF diagnosis.
My introduction to PAF was a heart attack (could have been a stroke). In the absence of anything else, the conclusion was it was caused by a thrombotic event due to undiagnosed and untreated AF.
I’ve no desire to have more episodes, however, I discussed it with my cardiologist and in my case, we both agree it’s now time to see if I can maintain NSR without it. If anything changes, this will be reviewed again.
Hope it goes well next week and you get a path forward.
I had a mild TIA 5 years ago before starting Apixaban - six months after the previous afib attack. The scan showed nothing but it was still a TIA .
How was your TIA diagnosed. What were your initial symptoms.
I was working in the garden weeding . When I got up from my hands and knees I felt a weakness in my right leg like it did not want to support me and found walking difficult. I felt "weird" and when I talked to my husband it felt like there was a gap between thinking and speaking though my speech was not slurred. I had no classic symptoms like not being able to lift my arms or having a droopy face. This all wore off quite quickly but the next day when I tried to write a shopping list I could not write properly . It was just squiggles. I went to see my GP and he was pretty sure it was a TIA and sent me for a scan. It took a week or so for my writing to get back to normal.
I had more than one Tia & at first I was told it can't be a Tia you are on anticoagulants it must be seizures.But rang me we to say we will just get a doplar to see.Carotid artery 80% blocked and pressure behind blockage more than twice normal.So they cleared it out .When symptoms reoccured.
Can't be a Tia we cleared out artery and you are on anticoagulants.
Must be migraines.Kept happening and I had a particularly bad attack and A & E who referred me to neurology
Brilliant Neurologist who showed me brain scans and said no evidence of damage other than the previous first Tia & if I had the same symptoms every time and tias then I would have had a major stroke so diagnosis seizures.
I had so many scans on virtually everything possible above the neck.
No blockages,no bleeds but as they didn't last beyond 10 mins and I didn't drive she accepted no medication.Symptoms,numbness in left arm,Side of face,slurred speech,could lift arms but left not as far.
I had 1 attack the day after my ablation in Feb 23 and none until about 10 days ago when I had Arrythmias all day.
Ep and Arrythmia nurse says no connection.There MUST be.
Sounds like a difficult diagnosis. Hope you get some closure.