hello been keeping a diary of how I take my meds , it seems the bisoprolol is giving me a realy tight stomach few hours after taking it , I’ve had to return to bisop and flec combination again as can’t find nothing else to suit me , I take flec 50 at 9am then bisop 1.25 at 2 pm , due to feeling very ill when taken together, it should be 2.5 bisop , but that makes me feel awful , but realy need that 2.5 dose in morning to help heart rate as I find it goes to 113 on just sweeping the floor ? Ok at rest though , or taking it easy ? Then 50 flec and 1.25bisop in the evening around 9pm, I need to fit another 1.25bisop in aswell through the day but finding it tricky on timings as do not want awful side effects , also flec has to be 12 hours apart , is there a rule on hours between bisop ?
bisoprolol and stomach issues - Atrial Fibrillati...
bisoprolol and stomach issues

I don’t take either med now but did many moons ago. My only ‘rule’ was to do what suited me and my body best and that I only learned through experimenting and experience.
Such a low dose of bisoprolol would not matter with timing. I used to take morning and midday. It can vary with me tho. But I do have this understanding with my ep. I've not heard of this side effect with bisoprolol but did have this problem with largactil all those many years ago. But quite different drug to bisoprolol. Maybe change to another beta blocker.? Your best bet I think....
I would think a heart rate of 113bpm while sweeping the floor might well be pretty normal. First thing in the morning mine can be just like that. Does it not return to the 80s after a minute of two's rest?
I have just doubled my bisoprolol dose to 2 x 1.25mg and I get what I call the "chest aches" from it at times, and these can include stomach tightness, especially under the left lower ribs, even extending into my back.
I think the bisoprolol might lower the heart output a little too much, myself, causing these effects on the nearby muscles. Sometimes, I worry it might be a very mild kind of angina, but that is my anxious mind wandering and fabricating ideas it really should stay away from!
Hello yes it does go back down , but I don’t normally get like that , I’m supposed to take 2.5 in morning 1.25 evening both along with flecinide , but Iam trying 1.25 twice aday with flec , evening dose is ok no symptoms? But morning doses make me feel so ill , like I’m being poisoned and feel realy awful , just don’t get why now after 13 yrs ? I have tried lansopromole to help stomach tightness , does help a bit , realy need to find an alternative, but finding it hard , do you do 1.25 am and pm , also do you take anything else
I would only take bisoprolol in the morning and adjust the dose to suit yourself that's working for me I've managed to get down to 1.25 from 5mil
Hi. I have taken a 3.75 Bisoprolol first thing in the morning, with nearly a pint of water for years, not had any stomach problems.