hello I’m on 2.5 bisop 9am and 2.5 bisop 6.45pm with flec 50 9pm , but still get my heart doing extra beats and missed beats etc around late afternoon everyday , flecinide is slowly being introduced again as I felt unwell , heart been told is strong , but I’m not coping metaly very anxious and worried , was told I can go up to 10 mg of bisop but don’t want to , and I can take another 1.25 bisop if needed , but that would have to be every day , I’m so worried in what to do , cardiologist is just looking more at my anxiety more , should I take another 1.25 afternoons, or would bring more flec back in be better , I’ve had enough of living like this x
palpitations everyday : hello I’m on... - Atrial Fibrillati...
palpitations everyday

l know you have been having a really bad time of late and you do sound very stressed out. If you have been told your heart is strong, that is good news and should help to calm you down with the anxiety. You would have been told if there was anything seriously wrong. I don’t think we are allowed to advise on medication as we are not medics., but l would suggest going along with your Cardiologist’s recommendations. It’s a vicious circle with the anxiety because it is fuelling the AF, well it does for me. If you are free of chest pain, nausea, breathlessness and sweating then l would just do deep breathing and sit it out. At least it is stopping, and not continuous, and the more you relax, and tell yourself it’s ok and nothing awful will happen to you, then the sooner it will calm down. Hope it will settle for you and wish you well.
My symptoms seem worse in the afternoon but this is when I relax/sit down so wonder if I’m just noticing it more. I’ve started to pace myself more and make sure I sit upright. After lunch/fluids our stomach can press on our organs including heart which can trigger the problem. If your lunch is carb/sugar heavy, this can trigger it too. I now have much smaller meals more frequently and it helps. Sorry if you know all this!
I have lots of these and they often are at their worst from late afternoon. I suspect of the two tablets, the flecainide is most likely to work. Perhaps the dose needs to be adjusted to suit you better?
I was taking 50 mg flec in morning aswell but made me feel realy unwell , so just on night time dose which dosnt ? But I agree think I need to increase it back up , but I don’t want to feel that unwell again
How did the morning dose make you feel?
I felt realy unsteady , and like the life was draining from me , light headed realy awful feeling ,just find it strange how night time dose is different
My GP told me that some people can’t cope at all well taking beta blockers with flecainide. This sounds like you. I was told to stop my bisoprolol, for example (I’ve had an ablation for flutter, so the risk of flecainide causing that has been removed).
Have you asked about this? Also, anxiety might be higher in the mornings with greater sensitivity to symptoms. I’m convinced that anxiety acts like a magnifying glass to side effects.
I also have had 2 ablations , but treating the bit they didn’t do with meds , always worked very well with no side effects for 13 yrs , now it’s changed , since stopping the morning dose I feel better , but always in afternoon early Eve I start getting odd beats ,I given myself a heart phobia , just wondering if something needs topping up
Been on medication for 13 yrs , but think by reducing flecinide which controls rythym may have upset it , but I’m suffering realy bad with anxiety, also have a phobia of my heart vicious circle
cherio JOY. 75. (NZ)
My heart rate before meds is around 80 , bp 119/76
Well that's OK but I felt better with H/Rate. at 60s Day and my normal Night is 47avg bpm.
So why the meds!
It is CCB Diltiazem which brought down H/Rate from 156 to 60s.
Flec... sometimes upsets folks. If the rhythm is controlled without symptoms best.
I cant feel how the rhythm beats so I never worry about it. Actually bring down the rate with my med is like having an anti-arrhymic med alter it more naturally.
cherio JOY. 75. (NZ)
I have tachycardia , also today everytime I move I get palpitations like missed or skipped beats , seen doctor says it will be ok
But you also are hypo thyroid from your notes.
Is this controlled into norma;? Otherwise this can also put strain on your heart.
cherio JOY. 75 (NZ)
I’ve reduced my thyroid medication, got to wait to be retested in 7 weeks , I’m so worried took diazepam to try and help , and going to restart a morning dose of flec 25 to see if this helps , I’m constantly in fear all day long , crying and don’t like being alone , I have lost myself due to all this worry
If you reduce your thyroxin you will go further into hypo thyroid.
Waiting 7 weeks???
I try to keep to 1.7 TSH because of thyroidectomy with 12 lymphs take n(2 affected) and dissection for cancer.
When I stopped my 125mg Synthroid for 2 days I went straight up to 4.9 hypo.
Are you in the normal range TSH .5-4.2. outside of this you are hyper beow .5 and hypo over 4.2.
AFTER A Pet/CT scan IN may 30th my TSH is over the place, T3 down at 3.4 (3.9-..) but T4 is 24. (Up to 22 normal).
You are not menopausal are you?
Crying in a way is release but something is causing it.
Read a good book, I say. Relax.
cherio JOY.
latest results
I'll need to read it tomorrow.
Not hypo
You are seriously Hyper. in fact thyro toxic.
T4 total at 25... should be up to 22 - is seriously over. You are taking too much thyroxin.
Hyper could put you into 'bulging eye" syndrome. Risk of a rapid heart beat which would give you palpations.
Risk of heart problems and would not do at all.
Certainly you need to drop back n your thyroxin.
Have you had cancer? Do you have your thyroid - 2 lobes?
I'm tired so will look again tomorrow.
Take care, JOY
Thankyou for looking , should I be on less than 50 mg , I had my test done 3.5 hours after I took meds , does that make a difference to results ? Not had cancer , but have thyroid nodules , ok speak soon thankyou
You have your thyroid. I understand.
If you are on 50mgs thyroxin and you are now .13 TSH it has made you hyper and in a toxin level.
I manage my own TSH levels. Have been since Thyroidectomy for cancer.
Unfortunately a Cardiac Specialist is not trained in thyroids and I tend to think my surgeon who confessed not knowledgeable in heart but in thyroid, would not be considering my heart when it came down to RAI treatment or suppression and I declined both. A Endocrinologist Dr was on my Ward Stroke before they found the thyroid cancer.
I suggest that you take 25mgs Synthroid only but you need a blood test every week - 7 days to see where you are at. Even 25mgs makes a hell of a difference.
If you have aF I hope that you are on an anti-coagulant. I take PRADAXA twice daily. No blood test just keep greens to minimum.
I hope that you follow the rules around taking your thyroxin. Early morning best no food 4 hours prior and leave 1 hur after. Do not take any other meds with it.
Working out my 25mgs (I take 125mg as no thyroid) it gains me .2 on my TSH.
So by 7 days at a guess you will be at plus 1.4 plus your .13. =. 1.53 TSH. Just in the normal range.
I was always @ 1.9 TSH years ago.
This will take the total T4 down in normal range.
What is your T3
Thyroglubin serum
Thyroglubin antibodies
I'd get those done.
.13 would shrink your modules but your heart is saying "get me out of here and back to normal."
I believe that you will feel much better out of suppression. The lowest I got was .7 and I felt terrible.
Yes, I reckon we have solved your problem.
After that you need to monitor your TSH. You may not be controlled on either 25mg only or 50mgs. You can't 1/2 them - on yes you can the 50ngs. Bend the pill down to make 25mg. But not in 1.2 again. Have a look at the 25mg. Can you half that.
You may be a 37.1/2 Synthroid girl.
If you send my your email address I found a great research report by top Thyroid specialist Gary Clayan and nodules. My adopted daughter has 33 nodules on thyroid but 1 is 4.2cm long. Not knowing whether it is cancer or not. But she has elected to shrink it with iodine under a naturopath but the surgeon at hospital has her on waiting list for full thyroidectomy.
She tells me that her neck lump has decreased. But I tell her its risky to stay in suppression as it dangers the heart. Bulging eyes or stroke as hyper rapid heart rate takes over.
After my thyroidectomy my then Dr said suppression is risky because of your AF and already rapid heart.
But since then I am controlled by CCB Diltiazem.
By the way it is easier to manage hypo than it is hyper. But it is now your thyroxine making you hyper so you can manage it.
Fingers crossed you are easy to adjust by your meds.
I changed to Synthroid as
It has an expiry date on it
Kiddie lock
Easy to get pulls out
A condensation pallet inside
True on dose
I've recently changed to 50s as they are white and was getting a tiny hard rash to my abdomen and higher.
I get a 6 x printout of my blood tests. I can do them when I like.
No it doesn't matter about fasting beforehand because I take mine early. 5am this morning. Also I need to take them. Even 1 morning without it changes things. I keep betweem 1.5-2.0. TSH. I can't worry about the T4 total.
Take care.
Cherio JOY
Send your email thru private message.
I’ve only been on this for about 2 weeks after my blood test ? So shall I try dropping from tomorrow, I always get palpitations around the same time of day , but took one morning at 7am then had quite a few hour or so later , my heart never used to do this , I’m not on thinners as no af seen in a few yrs , but I can get fast heart sinus , but etopics are very frightening for me I get them every day quite a few 😔 but I worry about my af returning aswell , my son has now got svt , he has to go for an ablation , and my daughter has stage one heart block , I don’t realy know what that’s about , so all very worrying for me 😔
As I said you need to get out of toxic hyper thyroid.
Get down to 25mg immediately and take this for 7days and most importantly have a blood test TSH, T3 and T4. Most important is TSH.
Yes take it in the morning before blood test.
Your thyroid is in trouble and the riskiness of it is a stroke caused by starting back on AF.
Your Cardiac Specialist has guided you to decrease your thyroxine.
I'm not sure why you haven't reduced it.
I started it 2 weeks ago. WHAT?
cherio JOY
My own doctor asked me to reduce it to 50 , I accidentally took 50 this morning again , now worried sick , I started my reduction in levothyroxine 2 weeks ago from 75 to 50
Now let's be clear before 2 weeks you were on ? thyroxin? It was after blood test or before blood test.
Is your 50mg the reduced level from ? mg?
I'm trying to make sense of your whole scenario.
Have you not had an uptodate TSH test since you reduced your thyroxine?
But still have palpitations.
Get your Dr to prescribe a blood test for at least TSH so you can see your TSH rise out of suppression. As I said it should rise about .2 after a reduction of 25mg.
Temporarily it wont matter if you go past 4.2 into hypo. You need a base level.
You tell me and your base level shows TSH 0 .13 seriously hyper.. periods of rapid heart rate it will cause.
Let's get you out of that and I say reducing your thyroxine by 25mg daily will probably make the tSH move up out of the suppression by TSH 0.2. I week's worth add 1.4 to your .13 and as I said after 7 days on the reduced 25mg should get you at 1,53 into lower normal range.
Try that and do have a blood test at the end of month.
It's likely that you never have as much as 50mg daily. Maybe your thyroid has started to convert again. You have your thyroid right? It has not been working properly between the endocrine functioning organs such as thyroid, parathyroid amd pituitary gland. It happens.
Let's get you sorted.
cherio JOY
I was on 75 of levothyroxine then had blood test , I took 75 at 7am blood test at 10.20 , results came back as ones I’ve posted was reduced to 50 levothyroxine, so been on this dose since results
I think there are two things going on .. you have no AF and yet you are taking flec. Why? It is a med for an AF patient who has bad rhythm.
Ask your H/Spec to recommend you stop Flec. Normal rhythmn on flec seems to me to be crazy.
2nd your blood test showed you in hyper toxin. At that tome taking 75mg. Then now down to 50mg.
So @ 2 weeks taking the reduced 50mg I anticipate you are at 2.8 plus .13 = 3.1. Or about that.
So stay on 50mg and get the uptodate tSH now.
Have your H/Specialist to stop flec.
As you have had AF and it seems it is running in your genetics take an anti co-agulant to prevent strokes.
And keep thinking positive. Of giving up flec and reducing your thyroxin.
Waiting 7 weeks is crazy. Especially that you are having palpations. Have a TSH now.
cheri Joy
I did reduce my flec but was getting realy frightened palpitations seemed to ease them with the 50 evening dose and help me mentally I’m also on 25 flec in morning started that yesterday, to try and stop all this as been advised that by my doctor , cardiology said bring it back in slowly , and in on 2.5 bisop twice per day but can add another 1.25?if needed , I realy don’t know what to do anymore I’m a mess on the verge of a break down , Thankyou so much for all your help xx
Can you get your TSH thyroid blood test nos?
Just to be cautious ask for a thyroglubin serum/antibodies test.
I have to guess that you should .13 plus 1.4 hopefully NOW.
Think positive that this goibg to be revolved.
But no aF on anti-arrhymnic med Flec which is a risky med and now you say Bisoprolol. Shelley you must declare everything.
Palpations means your heart is under stress.
The ? is why. Hyper toxin can cause it, Flec can cause it, Heart can react to thyroid abnormality, stress.
But I take CCB Diltiazem CD to control persistence rapid AF. BBs like Bisoprolol helped a little but Diltiazem was dramatic. 156 down to 51 in 2 hours! So I was reduced from start up at 180mg to 120mg.
I don't want you to have a stroke Shelley.
Get your thyroid right - out of hyper toxic.
Have an ECHO. When was the last one?
Think postive as your anxiety level is not good for you, the people around you or your heart.
cheri JOY
I had an echo few weeks ago , got a good strong heart they said , left message with cardiologist, but havnt got back to me , hopefully I don’t have a stroke ,
Oh dear I very much hope not.
But I had the stroke not on any meds. Was stopping on stairs or elevation. A bit tight in my heart but no palpations, pain or ectopics etc.
I'd like to see where your TSH level is. Please get a test done and include Thyroglubin serum and antibodies.
There is also a risk of these cysts changing, growing etc.
Being Hyper plus is bad for your heart and its telling you something.
Meanwhile you are on flec with the added bisoprolol. CCB Diltiazem acts like an antiarrhymic med and is not risky like Flec...
Can you switch out and take a drive, stroke a pet or talk to someone about anything from your troubles.
You are luvky my heart left in 200 plus Day Heart Rate on Metoprolol which should have caused a red light before prescribing it, damaged my atrial atrium and it is enlarged but my heart size now is normal.
Can you go private?
I can see a private heart specialist within 3 weeks here. He was the best too.
Thinking about you. You added diazepan to the mix. I was reading that you keep thyroxin in the cool otherwise it breaks dow. Sythroid has a condesation thing inside it.
Are you taking 50 Synthroid?
cheri JOY
I’m taking 50 levothyroxine
I started on the cheap bulk brought in thyroxine but changed to Synthroid as I was taking the 25mg in it.
Its better because
Container secured with kiddie lock and locked down.
Foiled sealed inside top
Reliable dosage
Condensation thing inside. Do not leave or carry in car, hot place etc
Rasy to take one pill out at a time.
Has an expiry date.
Essentially at TSH 1.5 in normal range you should pause and decide what you actually need. Obviously 75mg was too much.
There is no .125. So you need a TSH blood test to start from a base. Don't stop but you may be OK on 25mg only daily.
You want to keeo it on TSH 1.5 and in normal range.
Its urgent to keep your thyroid happy. 7 weeks I can't believe it. Your GP certainly knows little.
I had to stop all thyroxine for an RAI Scan and after 2 mornings without it I went from 1.7 to 4.9! TSH. HYPO already. That was missing out on 250mg. And no iodine in diet.
Its urgent to see how you are now. Please get it done now Shelley.
cherio JOY
ACTUALLY you could be .13 TSH plus .2 x number of days after blood test.
Are you sure that the doctor didn't say 7 days not 7 weeks? To be retested.
So recalculating at 14 days after your blood test which put you at TSH .13
is .2 x 14 =. 2.8 plus your .13. =. 2.93.
2.93 is in normal range. Over 4.2 you become hypo again.
AS you still have a working thyroid you need checking and the way forward.
Do get your base TSH now. T3, T4 and thyroglulin serum and antibodies. I would have your B12 level too. Should be 500.
Not having any thyroxin for 5 days for the scans requiring me to stop I now have a low T3 since then, I was changed to a pet scan.
I will have to ask Dr what I should do.
cherio JOY