I had a cyroablation on Thursday 2nd, I have 43 hours later gone back into afib with heart rate around 120. I know there is a blanking period of 3 months and I don’t see my cardiologist until 4 months, but I was just looking for a little reassurance that this does not mean my procedure has failed. Has anyone gone back into afib so soon after their ablation?
After ablation: I had a cyroablation on... - Atrial Fibrillati...
After ablation

Hundreds of us…..try not to worry as anxiety doesn’t help but we’ve all been there 😉

thank you Flapjack, I just was a bit upset to find it’s back so soon. x
Of course you are, only natural but best to follow Rainfern’s advice. If you have taken Flecainide before, they might suggest trying that as a pill in the pocket. Slow deep breathing exercises might help too….🤞

Hi again, I am still taking all my meds as per the cardiologist, they include Flecainide twice daily and bisoprolol. He wants me to remain on them until he sees me next. 🤞
Then they may suggest a one off increased dose but this MUST only be done if suggested by your cardiologist. I know it’s the w/e, but I would try emailing his secretary…..

I’ll see how it goes today, as I’ve just taken my morning Flecainide and if still in af I’ll phone the cardio team. Many thank for taking the time to reply.
I had an ablation on a Thursday for AF.
My HR was back up in the 120-130 range by Saturday.
I had an electrocardioversion on a Sunday for AFL.
I stayed happily in SR for a year.
Now I’m dealing with AFL again, but not AF and am scheduled for a second ablation—with a success rate in the 90 percentile.
It’s a journey. A first ablation is often not the end, but a positive step along the way as things work themselves out. Many of us have been exactly where you are. When I went out of rhythm right after my ablation, I was distraught. Needlessly. It’s all part of the journey.

You might seek out the YouTube videos from Methodist Hospital in Houston TX. They have posted a number of seminars regarding the effectiveness of Catheter Ablation vs. the Mini Maze Procedure.
Hi cathy, I had a recent ablation having been in persistent, symptomatic AFib for a year (HR in 80s or 90s without meds, 60s or 70s with digoxin).
After the ablation I had the usual bumps and blips, but after a week or two was back in persistent Afib. I called the arrhythmia team and they called me back for a CV and this seems to have done the trick.
So if the AF persists and you’re not comfy with what’s going on don’t hesitate to call your arrhythmia team.
Hi CC 🙂 I am in a similar situation, I had a cryoablation followed by a and a cardioversion on the 26th October 9 days ago and after 3 days of bliss with no AF I went back into AF with a HR of 145 bpm so have had 5 days back in AF so far.
I am due for a review in 3 months time but past experience in my local hosptal tells me that wait will be longer. I wrote to my named GP last week telling her ( I can no longer book an appointment in advance to see her) she has not responded , the ablation was carried out a 2 hour journey my local hospital has stopped doing them away so I don't feel 'in contact' with that hospital.
I feel so miserable and worried I will just have to up with months of this total exhaustion and breathlessness I have already had 10 months of it waiting for an ablation .
I hope you mange to return to normal soon and wish you well.
I'm so sorry to hear what you're dealing with; that sounds miserable! Can you not call your GP surgery first thing and ask for an appointment that day? I've found that we have to be our own advocates these days and be persistent.....just like your AF. Having a HR that high ongoing definitely counts as something that requires immediate attention, in my opinion anyway.

HI TB I told the arrhythmia clinic in January I couldn't cope with the high heart rate lasting 5 days with 2 AF free days at that time and even requested a cardioversion. No one was concerned I was told no to cardioversion because I might go back to NSR om my own and anyway there was a 10 week waiting list wait just for an ablation which i have done for months progressing to constant AF . I can ring my GP and be triaged by a nurse with a complicated system of ring backs to speak to a doctor who has no knowledge of me. I am going to ring the GP on Monday in desperation.
Ugh, so frustrating dealing with the sorry state our NHS is in these day.

Thanks, I will ride it out today and see if I convert back if not I’ll phone the cardio team and see what they suggest. Just disappointed it only lasted hours.
I can imagine! I would too. But perhaps it'll settle down? I haven't had an ablation but plenty of people on here seem to have a bit of a wobble at first. I hope it works out for you.
Sorry to hear that doodle, unless you have been discharged by the hospital (which is unlikely), there is probably little your GP can do but ignoring you is diabolical. Were you given contact details for reaching an Arrhythmia Nurse as this is (or was) the normal practice after an ablation. This should also apply to Crabbiecathy because it’s important to try and return to NSR as soon as possible. But it is still very early days for both of you and it can take a while before the scars which prevents the rogue impulses from firing off, so both of you stay calm if you can…..

Thanks Flapjack, will try and stay calm, not easy as you will know. I’ll see how it goes today then if not back to normal soon I’ll contact cardio team.

Hi Flapjack, I was told by the hospital I was sent to for the ablation to contact my GP (haven't seen her for 4 years) or go to the local A&E (and wait up 56 hours hours to see someone in the hope you die in the meantime ) if AF returned. The healthcare in our area is appalling .There is an arrhythmia nurse at the local hospital who is worse than useless if you can contact her that is, it took me a month last time. I am just resigned to my fate .
I know it’s such a post code lottery and so frustrating!!!
Aww doodle I feel your pain, and I hope you feel better soon, can your local hospital not give you a cardioversion? I’m a bit similar in that I had to travel 60 miles to get the ablation. Our local hospital is not very helpful either. Fingers crossed we both kick into normal sinus rhythm soon. X
I'm British but I live in South Africa and I often read on the online tabloids of the waiting lists etc. with the NHS, and just feel that they are sensationalist exaggerations ( I cannot compare my AF sisters because they have elected to have private treatment.) However, most of us here in SA who can afford the monthly subscriptions to Medical Aid Societies (this is not insurance) are under private care. What amazes me, is when I read that you have a review in three months time, to get it earlier seems to require jumping through hoops. I see my GP every six months for a check up and prescription review and reissue, and my Cardiologist annually, again for the usual echos, dopplers etc. But without fail, whenever I leave him after my appointment, he days ' Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any concerns'. By that he means phoning his office and if he is available to speak to him, if not to leave a message with the receptionist which he will return within a few hours, the same applies to my GP. I can't imagine what is happening with the NHS.
Hello doodle. I’m fed up too, I’ve been in Afib now since 13th September, it’s my longest period since I was diagnosed with paroxysmal Afib last year.My gp has been gradually increasing my bisoprolol and I’m now on 10mg, it hasn’t helped. You mention breathlessness. How bad is yours? Just wondering as I can’t walk far without I’m gasping for breath,I feel like I can’t get air into my lungs. Is this usual with Afib do you think?im relatively new to this game so comments or advice appreciated.
Hi Beatle 🙂 my breathlessness varies from mildly breathless to laboured breathing , I have to remember not to speed up my breathing to compensate but to slow it down counting the breaths in and out . Also learn 'belly breathing' if you don't already do it and lay down when your breathing is bad , doing that helps. You ask is this normal for AF , there is no normal we are all different some lucky people don't get any symptoms at all and for some it is hell.
Make sure you GP knows about the breathlessness , those healthcare people I have told don't seem to give a dam but you may find you get help.
I have read you should go to hospital if you are breathless, if I did that I would have had to move in there for the last few years .
hi Cathy,
I was told after my ablation to contact my EP if I had an episode of AFIB that went past 24 hours during the next 3 months. She stated that they didn’t want remodeling to occur.
I was fortunate to not have any episodes so far. My ablation was on July 24th and I am weaning off asotalol now.
Be your own advocate, stay calm and hopeful. Wishing you well.
Many thanks Nezzera, I’m still in AF although HR not excessive. 28 hours so far. Think it may be a trip to my A&E this morning.
Sounds like that's the best thing , at least they will consult with the appropriate people and take action. A&E should be able to cardiovert you if necessary, (here they quicken cardio patients through if poss) remember not to eat due to anesthetic , as you may have to wait hours- (I made that mistake).I feel for you. Wishing you well
Please tell us what happened at A and E. Did they give your heart a ‘jump start!’ (That’s what the consultant called it, when he did it for me last week!)
Just going to leave it until tomorrow now as HR down to around 80 and not alarming me so much although it’s still showing af.
Dear Cathy. St Barts told my local hospital to give me a Cardioversion rather than stay in AFib (I was back in for two days) they said that sooner rather than later was better.
Remodelling was also mentioned to me…
Good luck. 🤞🤞
Thanks Slidingdoors. All good now, AF finally reverted on its own after 32 hours. What nobody seems to have mentioned was the huge burn mark after my cardioversion. It’s been agony for past three days and nobody to contact as cardio team are only available Mon-Fri 8-4.30. Got a reply from them this morning , so mind put to rest.
So glad you’re ok! I’m confused though! You say your heart reverted on its own, so why the Cardioversion?!🧐
I have had bad burns after two of mine as well. Apparently it’s caused when the sticky pads aren’t pressed down onto the skin properly and air gets trapped in between. This air then heats up big time and burns. Now I ask them to take care with that and also press them down myself! ☺️
I went through the same post procedure experience 6 years ago. I thought they literally broke my heart - was in permanent Afib for 25 days following my ablation. I’m beyond fine now. Looking back, I wish I could have not let myself become so anxious from it all. Don’t know how I could’ve without knowing that 90% of my anxiety was induced from me misinterpreting what was happening.
A quick question! After 25 days did your heart just go back in rhythm? 🧐
Yes, basically. The time it stayed in Afib went from 24hrs to 20 hrs/day. Then I noticed it shorten to 14 hrs/day, until it eventually became 12-8 hrs every other day. Towards the end of that month, I started having days where I only had a few palpitations. Then I noticed there’d be several days without it. By the middle of month 2, I began to feel cured with some very short and infrequent episodes (~5 mins every three weeks). By month 4, my heart was basically fully cured and I even flew alone to Brazil. My mind was haunted by all the possibilities, but nothing happened. Over the past 6 years, I’ve had about 4 episodes, each that lasted around 4 hours, one even 5 minutes before a 2-hr domestic flight. I proceeded to go on the plane (I wasn’t alone) and it was pretty cool in-spite of my heart “flip-flopping”. To summarize everything, I had the ablation, three days later, I went-in to near permanent Afib. Recovered completely after two months. Now live a life, virtually without it, with a few annoying situations that remind me to take it easy and stay healthy.
Hi, how long did you stay medication for after your ablation?
That’s a really wonderful story! I’m so pleased for you. It’s brilliant. I haven’t dared to travel anywhere far since this Afib nightmare started nearly four years ago.🤕
One of my big problems is that my AFib will only go back if I have a Cardioversion so, I’ve never been in and out for a short time, or a long time.
My heart just locks that crazy rhythm in and I stay that way…
Had my ablation on 24th October in London, eight days later, back in AFib-pulse 160+)
Put up with it for one day because I had read that people go in and out and have ectopic beats etc very often after ablation… Day two I felt faint and sweaty and called 999.
Ambulance, A and E and my sixth Cardioversion. Back in rhythm for four days!
I’m just worried now that before my heart has healed I’m going to have to be going through that many times.
Poor heart. Burnt then 200volts in such a short time!
This happened to me, I went into AF for 3 weeks, now I am back in sinus rhythm that was 3 months ago. Fingers crossed 🤞 you will settle too, my cardiologist said it would settle down and it’s normal to go into and out of AF until your heart heals
Try not to be too disappointed Cathy, easy said than done I know.!!! It’s quite common for us to have blips whilst still recovering and in the blanking period, and this doesn’t mean it’s been a failure. Your heart isn’t going to be in a very good mood after being messed about with remember.?
Take it easy, plenty rest, keep hydrated.
Best wishes.
This happened to me too. I hope everything settles down for. you soon. Best wishes x
According Stop. AFib.org: “Early recurrence occurs within three months of catheter ablation and is related to tissue inflammation that arises from ablation. If atrial fibrillation returns during this period, it usually subsides after the tissue has healed.”
I had 3 x ablations in 2022. 1st classed as failed as couldn't locate veins. Next 2 classed as fails as 2nd one I went back into AF in 2 days. Last one didn't achieve NSR at all, so classed as fail. Then, 5 months after 3rd go I went into NSR and have stayed that way for 6 months. It's a bit shaky at mo, but still holding.So, don't give up hope!
This happened even though I had come off all meds (was about to start heart failure meds instead as neither rate nor rhythm control were working). I was told no more procedures but just trying (unsuccessfully) to keep HR under 100. I had been nearly 20 years in AF.
And then.... it happened.
Hang on in there! 😊
Yes, after a week in my case. If your body can go back in NSR Ron its own then all may well be ok!
I had the have a Cardioversion because mine never does and my heart rate was over 160.
Apparently in and out of AFib afterwards is quite common.
I had an RF ablation on 8 August. Felt really good the next day but went into AF that second night. I didn't know quite what to do as my EP had taken me off all meds until I have my 3 month follow-up. Luckily, after a cup of tea about 5-6hrs after the episode started, I went to NSR. Rang the hospital the next day and got a call back to say all normal (my EP said my ablation was successful) and to be honest, I was due an episode and had usual triggers, ie dehydration from not being able to drink before ablation, tiredness as couldn't sleep before ablation and just overdoing things as I felt fine. I was told my EP was happy for me to restart the Diltiazem 300mg daily but not to take the PIP 100mg Flecainide if I could help it. Went 11 weeks with nothing, then last week had an unexpected episode but it only lasted 2-3hrs and then went. I've since had my 24hr Holter ECG monitor and am now waiting for my follow-up with EP. Not giving up hope as everybody on here advises so try not to worry. Easier said than done I know. Good luck
Hi, I had a cyroablation on 23rd Oct. Went into AF for 5 hours on 25th back into nsr 5 hours later with help of flecanide pill in pocket. Again back into AF 27th for approx 7 hours before reverting back to nsr again with help of flecanide. I've been in nsr since. I was really dissapointed on each occasion but tried to keep positive. Hopefully you will slowly improve as I did. I was discharged with letter and other documentation which pretty much prepared me for feeling worse before I got better I was however terrified that the whole procedure had failed and made my symptoms worse than they had ever been so totally understand how you're feeling. I'm now, without wanting to tempt fate, feeling better than i have for some time. Less missed beat, pulse less erratic after exercise, no AF for a week. Hopefully your recovery takes a similar way forward.
Hi Crabbiecathy, I did and it literally took months for it to settle down. I have no idea why the doctors don't tell us that this most likely to happen 😏
I went back into a-fib soon after my first (cryo) ablation. Please try not to worry. Unless you're very uncomfortable, you can try various relaxation techniques or do something (non-strenuous) to take your mind off it -- I know that's difficult! I've found that when I'm engrossed in something, and forget about my heart's strange activities, I suddenly realize it's gone back into normal sinus rhythm. Keeping fingers crossed for you.
I had an a Cryoablation like yourself done in liverpool. I thought it had come back. I was given the heart nurses phone number,rang them,brought me in next day . Did an ecg-nothing. Told me because of what i,d been through that it was common to feel as though something doesnt feel right. Its been almost 2 1/2 years now. Best thing ive had done. Today i did a 20 mile bike ride (i,m 64 by the way).
Try not to overthink things, i barely think of it nowadays. 😀
Mine only stayed in sinus rhythm about 1 month after the second ablation which was six months after the first. Be patient and try not to be anxious. It will be what it will be.
my consultant said I may need 2 for it to be effective. I s as m of the opinion that how successful it will be depends on how long you have been out of rhythm, if that few years then it may only last a short time.