about Seven years ago I had an ablation, afib never completely went away but didn't happen very offer and at the most was one time 6hrs. Well last year I had a bout of afib. 1 week. new ep took me off pill in the pocket and started me on flexainide everyday. die well for about 2 months. the put me on multag. same thing. then went into afib for 3 months straight. He decided to do an ablation, oh forgot to mention I had had a couple of cardio versions too. lasted a while the last one was only 10 days. after my ablation I got bad case of vertigo while in the hospital. went home the next day. came back to er because my heart rate was 125 and staying. I was scared. more like tachycardia admitted. put on diltiazem drip and amioderone. went home in three days. heart rate lowered but back in afib. lasted for two weeks. still on amioderone. has been 4 months. about a month ago in the evening every day. get a flushed face. hot. and blood pressure goes up. and heart rate. my hr is in the 40's and 50's. one time bp was 193/103. hr 107. this has happened several times. I'm sorry so long but I have no one to relate to. I don't want to stay on amioderone because of the side effects it can cause. Any simular siyiations. Thank you. Sandy
post ablation: about Seven years ago I... - Atrial Fibrillati...
post ablation

Hi Sandy - Your story sounds very similar to what a lot of the members on here have experienced. Please go and see your GP and explain to him all that is happening, or if you have one you could ring and talk to your AF nurse who will be based at the hospital where you had your ablation.
When will you be seeing your consultant again? I'm wondering if he may have put you on Amiodarone with a view to performing another ablation for you?
We understand exactly what you are going through, so if there's anything else we can help you with please just ask. We are not medically trained, but care and will give you support in any way we can.
Please don't suffer in silence worrying about all that's going on get some advice. Do it tomorrow.
Thank u. My EP is very knowledgeable and intelligent. very good. But no bedside manner at all. to the point. I saw him yesterday and he wasn't very reassuring at all. seemed as though he wasn't very concerned. you can't relate really unless u have been there, right? scary. I asked when I would be off the amioderone and smiled at my husband and said when I stopped complaining. he may not have meant anything. i don't know. he sending home with a monitor. said next step will be av ablation pace maker. but before I did that i will live with chronic afib. he did say something the time before about an ablation. just very down right now. sorry
Sandy I really don't like the sound of your EP's lack of bedside manner. Do you have an AF nurse you can call and ask how long you are likely to be on the Amiodarone for? If not give it a few weeks then go and see your GP and see if your EP has written to him advising of the next step.
You never have to say sorry for writing about how you are feeling on this site, that's what we are here for - to support each other. I've had three ablations and have also taken Amiodarone, so I understand all your worries and you are quite right to need answers as to how long you may be on this drug. I guess your EP may wait for the results of your monitor, before deciding the next step.
Hope this helps and feel free to ask any questions. I'm sure others on this site will have some helpful suggestions to.
😠 Can't stand being 'littlewomaned'. It seems it is very rare for a doctor of any kind to realise that a proper explanation is worth a thousand pills!
Sorry Sandy but I think your EP sounds like an absolute misogynist. Who the hell does he think he is smiling at your husband and saying 'when you stop complaining'. How degrading. I am pretty sick and tired of the patriarchal society we live in especially when it comes to medicine. These people are not God. I know not every doctor is the same and there are some very wonderful and genuine doctors but this really makes me angry. This is your body. You are the one going through this. We only get one life. Why on earth wouldn't you want to make it as good as possible and ask as many questions as possible. I was told for years by patronising doctors that this condition was in my imagination. I became depressed and apologetic every time I mentioned it to a doctor. I hope you are afforded more respect in the future. I am absolutely disgusted at your EP. Shame on him. I don't care if he is intelligent and knowledgeable. That counts for nothing when a fellow human being needs some basic compassion. So many best wishes to you xx