I am new here Im 57 Male and i have had paroxysmal Afib for about 2 years. My episodes consist of a heart rate in the 150 to 100 usually all over the place for about 6 hours then i convert back to sinus rhythm. unfortunately when i would convert i would have long pauses, the longest one was 7 seconds,
So my cardiologist suggests i get a pacemaker this way he could give me meds ( 50mg Atenolol and .125 Digoxin and Xaralto) that would lower my heart rate when in Afib and the pacemaker would stop the pauses at conversion back to sinus rhythm.
Now a year later it stoped the pauses but the Afib was still happening just as frequent as ever about every 3 weeks so that didn’t work.
Then 8 days ago i got an ablation,The Dr said everything went great and for the first 3 days everything was great perfect rhythm everything was great then out of the blue at 1am i went into full blown Afib but the rate was going into the 200 so my wife took me to the ER they gave me diltiazam and my heart went back to sinus rhythm in a couple of hours they released me an hour later.
I then had another attack a day later , i woke up after a great nights sleep in Afib again 200 bpm this time it only lasted an hour and it went back to sinus rhythm on its own .
Its been 9 days now and i feel great i haven’t had even a small heart flutter,
I took the dog for a walk a couple times without a problem and even walked a mile on the treadmill a few times with no problem.
I was wondering if this is normal after an ablation, Im hoping there is still a glimmer of hope that it worked.
I am going back to work on Monday so hopefully all gos well.
Has anyone gone through the same problems after an ablation and had any long term success.
Unfortunately Im not going to see my Electrophysiologist for another 4 weeks so i can't ask him.
And he went on vacation the day after my Ablation.
Thank You