Yesterday attended St.Thomas’ hospital London for an ablation.Bit of history………..I am a 71 year old man, diagnosed with paroxysmal afib in 2017, Bisoprolol and apixaban prescribed, afib continued off and on but gradually more frequent upto 2022. Mid 2022 it went a bit berserk having 4 or 5 episodes a week lasting 5 to 24 hrs. Finally in December 2022 meds changed to Flecainide, symptoms disappeared. Despite this in April 2023 local cardiac team offered an ablation on grounds afib would eventually recur and also being on Flecainide long term not desirable. So elected to have the ablation.
Was pleasantly surprised to be told it would be a Pulse Field ablation under GA. In surgery 2 hrs (probably less for op as you know lots of faffing around before they start). Afterwards felt fantastic, no abnormal feeling in heart or chest , bit uncomfortable in groin area, so I thought great why was I worried so much. It was too good to believe, a haematoma developed in groin at site of catheter insertion and began to spread. So nurse applied very severe manual pressure to the area to stop it , have to say this is probably the worst pain I have experienced in my life! A small pressure machine also applied. After an hour and half all ok. Off home with not quite a skip and a jump.
Poor night, peed for England most of the night, this morning feel a bit spaced out.