Hi everyone I'm in a bit of a dilemma, I'm on flecanide 50mg twice daily. I took my first dose when i woke at 7 I had breakfast at 11 then took my other meds i then realised I'd taken another flecanide I'm in a terrible panic !!!
Flecanide panic!!: Hi everyone I'm in a... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Flecanide panic!!

It shouldn't be any problem for you Rachel as your Flecainide pills are only 50mg. Some people take 100mg twice daily, I used to. You may find that you feel a little more tired than usual.
If you need medical assurance then call your GP's surgery for advice. I believe the daily maximum allowance is 300mg.
That's still a relatively small dose. Don't worry. Sounds like you may need an AM/PM pill box
Thanks Jim, I have one and refill it religiously, I'd just picked up my repeat prescription the day before so today I just took them from the bag, not concentrating what i was doing this morning by god I've learned a lesson
Happens to all of us. Been lazy lately and haven't filled my pill box for several days
I know Jim, it's caused me major panic lol!! It won't happen again!!
Rachel - don't panic - I did exactly the same thing about a month ago and took 200mg Flecainide instead of 100mg.
I posted here about it - see my profile for the full thread - and got good advice which calmed my worries. People who take PIP Flecainide usually take a much larger dose and are fine - I was advised not to take my evening dose by my pharmacist and people on here and I was fine too.
As Jim advised, I bought am AM/PM pill box that afternoon and find it a great boon.
Finvola! It's funny that you replied because I can remember reading your post, I was looking for it today but couldn't find it, I can honestly say that I'm learning a lesson to say the least!!!
That's exactly how I felt too! Here's the link to my thread:
Definitely don’t panic!!
I take 100mg twice a day and have for the past 30 years. No problem.
Thanks so much Pete for your reply, I've suffered health anxiety for years so I panicked!! I'm ok now thanks to everyone on here including yourself
Totally understand.
Atrial fibrillation certainly plays mind games so you are not alone believe me.
Whilst I have been free of AF since March of last year, I have suffered episodes since around 1990. Despite always finding a way back to Normal Sinus Rhythm each time, I have had panic attacks each time fearing I would get stuck with AF.
Try slow breathing and also try YouTube videos of meditation for example youtube.com/@jasonstephenso... I found good particularly when I was having regular ectopic beats
Hope this helps
I am so glad you said what you said, Pottypete1. For me that is the worst part of afib. My episodes are mild usually as far as symptoms are concerned but as soon as afib lasts for more than a few hours, I too get worried that THIS will be the episode that won't go away. Like you I usually find my way back to sinus rhythm. but the uncertainty is the worst part. Nice to know I am not the only one . Your post was helpful.
Hi Pete, yeah health anxiety plays a major part in my heart antics lol! My sister died the day before her 4th birthday of a congenital heart defect i think this was the start of my panic attacks as we were told it was hereditary, I've really got on with life, got married, had my children but now it's come back to haunt me!! I'm terrified of anything to do with my heart! It's a fight to be honest, if my nerves are bad my heart kicks off! It's a constant battle
Been there, done it and will no doubt do it again at some point. Even with a weekly box I have managed to do the same on the odd occasion. Can you have had reassurance from your pharmacist and people on here.
shouldn’t be a problem, I take 100mg twice a day!
Glad everyone has reassured you about this but you know, we all do it at one time or another
you will be ok xx
don’t worry
relax. 100 mg of flec won’t send you to the hospital. It’s my normal dose
wouldn’t worry just miss one layer