Have AT and atrial flutter. Started on Verapamil 240mg sr in May and then Flecanide 50mg twice daily on 22nd June. The results have been amazing and feeling better than have done in years. However on the down side I have had two episodes of my head spinning. The first one lasting for a few minutes and the second only for seconds. GP diagnosed possible Vertigo??? I have doubts about this diagnosis and wondered if anyone else had suffered this as a side effect of the Flecanide.
Flecanide : Have AT and atrial flutter... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Did your GP say what may have caused the possible vertigo? I ask because I take Flecainide and had vertigo caused by an inner ear viral infection.
As you have recently started Flecainide, it might be an idea to ring your cardiologist’s secretary and ask for advice.
Thank you so much for your reply. After examining my inner ear GP could find no reason for it but neither of us mentioned the Flecanide as a possible cause. I will phone the EP as you suggest. Thanks again.
Yes I also get hot flushes and dizzy spells from the flecainide, I've been on it for 10yrs, and noticed on the leaflet that dizziness is one of the many side effects. Thankfully not too frequent for me so worth it for the benefit it provides.
Yes I also suffer from dizziness and am on a very low dose of Flec.
I,also, have some occasional dizziness and I'm on 100mg Flecanaide twice per day. It's never so terrible that I can't function but it is annoying and I feel like I'm off balance. But it seems to be controlling the afib so I'll put up with it.