hello. I was diagnosed with prox af just over a year ago. I have had lots of fast af hospital visits always scary. I am being taken off e citalopram and bisoprolol and onto flecainide and duloxetine instead. I’m scared and haven’t started yet. Anyone else on this combination. I also take lisinopril and apixiban. Thanks
medication : hello. I was diagnosed... - Atrial Fibrillati...
You should take the prescribed medication. Your prescriber will have assessed your suitability for flecanide, a good rythym control drug. People usually need a type of betablocker with it to counteract any possible development of flutter. I have been on flecanide both as pill in pocket and as maintained daily after some time,for years. No problems. Why are you fearful of taking it? Xx
Totally normal to be scared, anxious and in my case borderline depressive at the outset.
However, long story short Flecainide (medium dose 200mgs/day) stopped twice a week AF episodes and bought me time to correct my lifestyle (loads of contributions on individual efforts here) including consulting other non - NHS professionals to improve things including my anxiety. 10 years down the line, still some anxiety but only 3 very short AF episodes in that period. Best wishes with perseverance you'll win and be healthier overall.
I take flecainide (150 mg) when I have an attack which is usually once a year! It works fine !