Just had my second half ablation and I'm back in rhythm , but was just wondering if anyone has had any low iron issues after the operation . In between my front convergent hybrid ablation last August I became very ill and my GP started the ball rolling with all the tests available . To cut a long story short they found a gist on my stomach lining , the consultant said it could have bled and brought the low iron problems on, anyway after taking iron tablets I turned the corner, but a week after my last operation I've had the same problems,felt ill again went for a blood test and my iron level was low again . This got me thinking into the possibility of the trauma of the the surgery has caused it ,not contacted either of my consultants or GP yet , any thoughts would be appreciated thanks Mike .
Low iron : Just had my second half... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Low iron

Hi Soundmike... obviously I'm not a doctor so I'm not making any claims to know your situation but I do know that often it's not that a person is low in iron but that they are not absorbing the iron they have. Not sure how to test for the difference but when my mother was diagnosed with anemia they wanted to send her to a haematologist - insteady we started a course of increased doses of liquid B12 and zinc supplementation to assist her body in absorbing the iron her body was already creating. Vitamin C is also very important for iron absorption. Within a month there was no sign of anaemia.
There is much written about this from a more holistic approach if you are interested in researching further. Sometimes the iron tablets themselves can create ongoing problems.
It's an interesting area to investigate further - hope you can find a healthy solution!
Are you taking any of the Prazoles? I had lansoprazole post ablation and I was tired weeks post ablation, and was fiund to gave low B12, and found that lansoprazole inhibited the absorption of B12 and several other things. Always worth checking your meds potential side effects.
Thanks for your reply,lansoprazole spells red for me it's written in my notes never to take it,after my second ablation they left me on it too long and I went back in to af . The only drugs I'm on now is bisoprolol and apixiban and the ferrous .
The blood test usually measures ferritin levels.
Ferritin is a blood protein that contains iron. A ferritin test helps your doctor understand how much iron your body stores. If a ferritin test reveals that your blood ferritin level is lower than normal, it indicates your body's iron stores are low and you have iron deficiency. As a result, you could be anaemic.
Anaemia is a condition in which the number of red blood cells or the haemoglobin concentration within them is lower than normal.